
The Great Rupture; Not Great Rapture

"The Holy Father will have much to suffer." - Our Lady, at Fatima.
The Belief in the Great Rapture:  The Ultimate April Fool's Joke.

For those of you living among the sugar sprinkled driveways of upper middle
class American and who insist that Cardinal Angelo Sodano was correct in June
of 2000, in stating that the Dark Days prophesied at Fatima are behind us, know
this:  We've been in the tribulation for years.  It's sixteen years later, and the state
of the World if far more grievace ... with ISIS, mass refugee migrations, drug
slayings, police animosity, pollution in China, national indebtedness, war, war,
and more war which includes the continued war against newly conceived hu-
man life and war against the Laws of Ecology.  The younger generation is a
horde of mindless followers, obsessed with tattoos and gaudy emissions of
chemically-laden air fresheners that trigger violent asthma attacks and cause
testosterone to turn in estrogen via the enzyme aromatase.   If you don't feel t
he pain across the world, then you are one of those who is causing the pain.
The pain got so intense, that it started migrating to Europe.

You have the moral obligation to be part of the effort to right wrongs, and not sit
around, watching gossip television and whatever you do in your sugar sprinkled
lifestyles, as you live in houses filled with the label, Made in China, Made in
Vietnam, Made in Bangladesh, and other slave labor nations, accomplice that
you are.

To start, acknowledge within your mind that, at Fatima, the Virgin Mary dispelled the
notion of the Great Rapture, as was proposed by Nelson Darby circa 1830 and which
was absorbed into the Southern Baptist tent revival mindset.  That mindset still lingers.
Mary assured us that, in end, her Immaculate Heart would triumph, and that an era of
peace would be granted to the world ... not the Southern Baptist world getting beamed
up by Scotty, while the rest of humanity becomes overwhelmed by the wrath of God.

The Southern Baptist world, even today, has shown itself to be a punishment to man-
kind.   After all,  it was the legislators from the Southern Baptist red states who sabo-
taged the US economy, as in the 2008-09 Great Recession that cost people pensions
and homes.  Tennessee congressman, Stephen Fincher, provides one of the many ex-
amples of the predatory nature of the Southern Baptist red state politician.  He thus
far received $3.48 million taxpayer dollars, via farm subsidies, and then he voted to
cut food stamp allotments by $39 billion.

The outrage is that Fincher quoted the Bible, taking out of context a verse from an
epistle of St. Paul, in order to rationalize reducing the food stamp program allot-
ments upon which children and the disabled are dependent.  In doing so, Fincher
created added hatred toward an already hated Christianity ... and added disrespect
for Christ.  People who equate Christ with Stephen Fincher want nothing to do with
Christ.  The Eternal will NOT overlook Fincher's desecration of the scriptures, so
done for his selfish gain.

The hatred, incidentally, is toward the false Christianity of a George Bush II and
Fincher.  In as much, someone needs to inform the public that the doctrines em-
braced by Bush, Fincher, and company were condemn as heretical ones at the
Council of Trent.  This would lessen hatred toward all forms of Christianity.

For those unfamiliar, Pennsylvania native and broken-family by-product, Newt
Gingrich, as a Georgia congressman, manipulated the congress and Clinton into
making NAFTA law.  It did no more than increase America's accomplice status
in the sin of Defraudment of Laborers of their wages.  It happens to be one of the
four sins which cry to Heaven for eventual vengeance.

Then came all-so-saved George Bush II with his prolonged wars, economic crisis,
elevated suicides amongst veterans, disdain for environmental necessities, and ele-
vated consumer prices which is progressively becoming a fulfillment of the New
Testament prophecy, "A day's wages for a loaf of bread."

The Southern Baptist world goes about, causing untold human suffering,from
the congress to the business world.  It then arrogantly thinks that its people are
God's chosen ones who will be swept up and made immune to the very evils that
they, themselves caused ... as in NAFTA.  They cause untold havoc throughout
the world, and then the think that they will no accountability to pay.

For the record, I was in the former confederate south the vast majority of ten years,
for health reasons.  I was even there as recently of April/May 2013.  I experienced
that world at point black range.  I can go into detail, but will be polite at this point.

Protestantism is the epitome of division and anti-unity.

The first mark of the true church comes from the fact that there is only one Christ.
Being that there is only one Jesus Christ, there can only be one faith in Christ.  He
is eternally changeless and does NOT become a different moral code to different
people.  Thus, the true church is of one mind ... united ... in an unchanging belief.
It's not fickle ... frivolous ... or subject to fads.  Yet, it adapts to the weather of the
various age, all the while not deforming the absolutes of the faith that transcend
time, space, and fashions.

This presents a question.  Which religion that professes a faith in Christ is the au-
thentic one, being that there are at least 217 denominations in the United States,
alone, dozens of which profess conflicting doctrines?

ANS:  The one that was here first.  It would be the religion to which the original
apostles, the original martyrs, the second generation apostles, and the martyrs of
Rome belonged.

Rome is the hint, as to which Christian profession of faith is the authentic one.  It
was here first, and it was designated for annihilation and extinction by the ancient
Roman Empire, as well as Henry VIII's England, the French Revolutionaries, the
German Kulturalkamp fanatics, and Soviet Russia, as well as the Boxers of China,
the know-nothings of America, and numerous other political factions.  In the 20th
Century, it was attacked from within by corrupt clerics as vile as Cardinals Dolan
and Dignity Mass Donald Wuerl.  Yet, it didn't collapse.

Jump to the 1830s, a time mentioned by the Virgin Mary, in an apparition to Saint
Catherine Laboure, as very evil times.  Ironically, 1830 was the year when the Book
of Mormon was published, the U.S. Indian Removal Act was enacted, the Belgian
Revolution transpired, and France's July Revolution occurred.  Well, the 1830s was
a time when a new doctrine in the world of Protestantism was presented.  It was
called the Great Rapture.

The world, rapture is a variation of the Greek, for "getting caught up" in something.
This doctrine was the conclusion of an individual who knew Greek.  He was John
Nelson Darby, a minister who left the "Church of Ireland" and founded a group
called the Plymouth Brethren.  He had assistance from Henry Drummond, a bank-
er who founded a religion called the Catholic Apostolic Church.

The belief is that, shortly before the Great Tribulation, God will secretly sweep
up into Heaven those whom Protestants called 'saved.'  This comprises people
who despise the idea of institutional church and who claim that they become
instantly guaranteed Heaven by 'accepting' the Nazarene rabbi as their "lord
and personal savior," entirely hateful of the social aspect of the church, in
disregarding the command, "Love one another as I have loved you."

They believe that a divine vacuum cleaner will sweep them up into Heaven
shortly before the arrival of the Great Tribulation, sparing them of pain and
death.  This is based predominately on a gross misinterpretation of the fourth
chapter of the First Letter to the Thessalonians.   Concisely speaking, they
believe that they will be swept up into the clouds, while Christ meets them
halfway ... literally.

The verse refers to the very end of the world.  Rural Protestants say no.  How-
ever, they contradict themselves by claiming that this rapture will be done by
God in stealth, where suddenly, thousands of automobiles will be left without
drivers, as if the Eternal God is irresponsible enough to let multitudes of cars
crash into human life and property throughout the world.  The New Testament
passage speaks of the event being very much noticed by all ... as in the End of
the World and the Second Coming of Christ. 

   For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command,
   with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. 
   And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, 
   will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the 
   air, and so we will always be with the Lord

The verse speaks of a loudly proclaimed end of the world, where no one is left
clueless.  None the less, the rural protestants claim that all of the "saved" will
be swept up into Heaven, and those going to Hell will be left behind, to suffer
the tribulation.

The first blasphemy of this false doctrine is that it is contrary to the Apostolic
teaching that God only chastises people, in order to convert them ... so that they
will go to Heaven.  It is written, "I chastise the ones I love."  Thus, the tribulation
will be done, so that people will be freed from their attraction to sin.   The equal-
ly sinful Southern Protestants are claiming that they never have to be freed from
their attraction to sin and that there is no need for them to correct their lives.

The other asininity of this false prophecy is that, after the Great Apostasy and
Great Tribulation there will be the symbolic 1,000 year reign of Christ.  Now,
if there are no Christians left on Earth, then who is going to teach Christianity
to anybody?  There is also the need of "witnesses of Christ" to spread the faith.
If all Christians get raptured, then Christianity have forever ended on Earth.

The same scriptural text, the Book of Revelations, describes the eternally blessed
as those who washed their garments white.  This denotes people who actually did
penance and committed acts of charity; not those who did a cult-like ritual in a
rural church where they 'accepted' Jesus as their 'lord and personal savior,' and
then claimed that the sins of their future are forgiven of them ... and that they
never have to do any good works, despite the scriptural passage which states
that faith without good works is dead faith.

This Great Rapture doctrine progressively became popular, because it fit the lazi-
ness of a Protestantism,  Let's review:  It claims that you are already saved and
are not required to do any good work for eternal life.  No confession.  No penance.
No examination of conscience.  No avoiding the near occasion of sin.  No acts of
charity.  No restitution for the damage that your sins caused.  No Catholic action
groups that speak out against social evils.  No charity groups.  No required time
for prayer or true meditation,  etc.  That's Protestantism ... an anti-religion.

Of course, Protestantism, by its nature, is the sin of presumption, in presuming that
salvation is already granted.  Well, if salvation were already granted to you, you
would be in Heaven and not on earth telling people that the Catholics got it wrong.

The danger of today's rural Protestantism is that its adherents now call themselves
Christian, as if they are the true Christianity, linked to the original apostles.  They
used to call themselves ana-baptists, then born-again christians, thereby showing
their dissent from original christianity.  They now present themselves, in all of
their hicktoid crassness as the only christianity.

Study history and you will find that they are self-styled imposters.  They are not
linked to the original apostles.  Rather, they are linked to inbreeding, lynch mobs,
chattel slavery, anti-Catholicism, isolationism, the creation of the native Ameri-
can Trail of Tears anti-federal government sentiments, low SAT scores, lower
wages, pellagra, rickets, gerrymandering, the murder of the Michigan Freedom
Riders, hatred of U.S. Civil Rights acts, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln,
nighttime cross burning, and an extreme hatred for the Chair of Saint Peter.

The truth is that they disfigure the Face of Christ in their severely heretic beliefs;
of beliefs that never existed until 1520 ... then the 1830s.  These people make a
mockery out of Christ, and cause multitude to be repelled by the name of Jesus,
because the multitudes only see the faces of these unclean, rural, isoclationists
who hate the idea of universality and the need to do some type of good work or
another.  They constructed a grotesque caricature of Christianity, and the eternal
God will not overlook the desecration of the True Faith.

When all Hell breaks loose on earth in the near future, these people will be in a
state of shock so severe that they will freeze.  Their haughty arrogance will be
gone.   They will realize that their prayers don't work and that there is no such
thing as the Great "pre-millennial" Rapture.   In fact, every denomination that
heavily promoted the Great Rapture doctrine will dissolve.  The problem is that,
during the oncoming tribulation, the people who believed in that doctrine will
dissolve, also.  God is not mocked.

Incidentally, the Second Mark of the Church

As a review, the four marks of the true church is that its One, Holy, Catholic,
and Apostolic.  Let's go to the Second Mark of the true Church:  It is called
Holy, but the actual meaning is "consecrated" ... set aside for a special and
specific purpose.  What is the special purpose?  ANS:  To convey sacramen-
tal grace and to provide a forum to manifest such grace, as well as teaching
humanity what grace entails and how to stay in the state of sanctifying grace.
The manifesting of such grace is known as Good Works.

Concerning this, heroic martyr, Saint James, stated that faith without good
works is dead faith.  Let's go one step further:  Faith without good works is
a sick joke.

Now for the Third Mark of the True Church:  That it is apostolic.  The apostolic
mark of the church enables the conveyance of sacramental grace.  This includes
the "laying on of hands."  This includes the priesthood ... something real and not
merely ritualistic.  The most evil priest in the history of mankind still has the pow-
er to absolve a person from sin.  The most evil bishop can still ordain and confirm.
For a sacrament to work, it does not depend on the degree of holiness of the priest
involved.  It depends on the infinite perfection of the Eternal God which doesn't
deplete or depreciate.

To profess yourself to be a Christian, while having no belief in the sacramental
power of the priesthood, is eternally deadly.  Fatima seer, Jacinta Martos, young
child that she was, stated, "Without confession, there is no salvation."

Such disbelief in the sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) is the result of pride,
as well as laziness and the vanity known as spiritual gluttony.  After all, if you ad-
mit that a sacramental priesthood exists, then you are admitting to the need for the
Sacrament of Penance which consists in confessing to a priest and doing peniten-
tial acts ranging from praying to fasting to physically demanding mortifications.
You are thereby admitting that you are not the lord and master of faith, and that
you actually have to do something for eternal salvation.

Those who refuse to admit to the existence of the Sacrament of Penance are too
proud to go to confession.  Plus, there is a sector of the disbelievers think that
confession isn't glamorous enough for effecting an ultra-cosmic experience.
Thus, you have the spiritual glutton involved in damning this sacrament.  The
other sector of disbelievers are simply too lazy to do penance.  Ironically, they
exert more energy in ranting, raving, and damning the Sacrament of Penance
than it takes in doing the penance.

The Forth Mark of the True Church is its Universality, aka its Catholicity.  This
consists in the fact that it is for all who believe, and not only for a small elitist
cult ... or for an elite socio-economic class ... or one race ... or one nationality.
In fact, it is for neither for the bigot nor the isolationist.   It is not for those who
seek to cause division or who seek to create a caste system.  The universality
of the Catholic Church is evident in the fact that it has 22 rites, ranging from
the Ukrainian Rite to the Melkite Rite to the Byzantine Rite to the Maronite
Rite to the Roman Rite to the Ambrosian Rite to the Chaldean Rite to other

Its ironic that, now that the signs of the times show that the Great Chastisement
isthe next logical destiny of humanity, no one is preparing for it.  Years ago, when
people were following Father Stephano Gobbi and Medjurgorje, people were cry-
ing wolf and saying that the sky is falling.  They kept saying that the chastisement
was on the horizon.  It never came.  Now that they have fallen asleep, the great
chastisement is blatantly en route to humanity.  Of Course, Cardianl Angelo So-
dano, in his June 2000 rouse, had multitudes let down their guard.  They still do
not realize that Sodano was covering for Maciel and even false prophet Stephano
Gobbi in the Jume 2000 proclamation which Benedict XVI stated was not some-
thing to which any Catholic is bound to believe.  The events that transpired be-
tween July 2000 and September 2013 prove that we did NOT enter the prophe-
sied era of world peace.

It's also interesting that Pope Francis I designated the nearest First Saturday as the
universal day of voluntary Prayer & Fasting for world peace; September 7.
For the record, Francis had long since been the advocate of the Rosary.

In addition, Saint Louis of Montfort repeatedly spoke as if it went without saying
that there would one day be the conversion of Moslems.  He never mentioned that
there would be the conversion of banal and crass rural heretics who now have the
audacity to call themselves "Christian," even though their way is contrary to the
Christianity that existed from the time of Peter and Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
throughout the centuries.

Do not be deceived.  Test the spirits.  Simply because a person identified himself
as Christian, it doesn't mean he is.  Be on guard for the wolves in shepherd's cloth-
ing.  One such person was the Ayn Rand groupie, Paul Ryan.  He presented him-
self as Catholic, yet he designed a budget which was a sin against distributive
justice.  He attempted to deceive you into thinking that his false doctrine was
Catholicism.  Thus, the American bishops politely made it known that Ryan
was orchestrating a deception.

In conclusion, if you are at the doorway of death, and there is no other priest
around than one you know to have been wicked, get that priest to your side,
for the final sacraments of the church.  His act of mercy toward you might
result in God reciprocating the good deed and granting the priest the grace
of conversion.  It's the power of the sacrament per se involved, and not the
state of the priest's soul that matters.

Concerning this, there is one thing that you absolutely have to understand:
Catholicism is the Kingdom of Mercy.  When you cease habitual sin, you
are having mercy on Christ. When you undo lies, by bringing forth the truth
on a subject, you are having mercy on those deceived.  When you stop an in-
vading army, you are having mercy on the people they are invading.  When
you bring to justice a person who abused authority, you are having mercy on
the power abuser's victims.  When you hold accountable those how retaliated
against whistle blowers, you are having mercy on a number of people.  Plus,
according to St. Francis de Sales, when you pray for the Souls in Purgatory,
you are committing all of the acts of mercy simultaneously.

Protestantism developed laws that punish the least of Christ's brethren, as in
vagrancy laws, etc.  They don't see poverty as a result of unjustifiably high
prices, low wages, a constriction of the money supply, or even seasonal cir-
cumstances.  In as much, the merciless never receive God's mercy.

God needs you to not get "raptured up in the sky."   Instead, you are need-
ed to be instrumental in the conversion of sinners, repairing damage done
in society, and works of charity, as well as the proliferation of the King-
dom of God.  You don't get that done by being beamed up by Scotty.  In
as much, the belief in the Great Rapture should illustrate the hatefulness
& isolationism of those who adhere to it.

The works you do on earth go with you into eternity.  If you do nothing for
the benefit of anyone else other than your good ole boy network, you enter
eternity as an accomplished nothing.  Sin is nothingness, according to Saint
Catherine of Siena ... doctor of the true church.