
Catholic Doctrines about the Virgin Mary & the Reason Why

The Gospel of St. John expressly reminds the reader that not 
everything is in the Bible.  Yet, Protestantism ignored St. John,
being that it bases itself on a very fatal and tunnel-visioned be-
lief in Sola Scriptura.  Protestants demand a Biblical reference
that justifies Marian devotion.  The source is the Gospel of St.
Luke, where Mary said:

My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my 
Savior, because he has looked upon his handmaid's lowliness.  
Henceforth,  all generations shall call me blessed,  because 
he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is 
his name.

In light of this, if you have a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, then you call
her blessed by means of said devotion.  In doing so, you are fulfilling a Biblical
prophecy of all generations (after hers and including hers) calling her blessed.

Those who do not call her blessed are NOT Christians, only pretenders lodged
in heretical sects that rejected many precepts and doctrines which trace back to
the original apostles.

All in all, devotion to Mary consists in being part of All Succeeding Generat-
ions calling Mary blessed as was prophesied in the Bible.  It's that simple.
Concerning simplicity, it is written,

                       "From  the mouths of babes come perfect praise."

Thus, a child praying the Rosary is fulfilling Sacred Scripture in sending forth
perfect praise.  People who have trouble accepting this are spiritual gluttons
never satisfied with anything but that which is vain and overbearingly gaudy.
The irony is that embracing a devotion as humble as the Rosary results in the
devotee having lights and a colorfulness equal to a multi-faceted gem which
is very clear, as opposed to muddy and muddled.

In addition, there is the account in the Gospel of John, where Christ, while dying
on the Cross, said to John, "Behold.  Your mother."  Devotion to the woman giv-
en to mankind as its mother honors Christ in the pain and death he endured.  Add
to the Biblical sources the words of God the Father, spoken through the Archangel
Gabriel"Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.  Rejoice oh highly favored 
daughter."  Devotion to God's highly favored daughter honors the God who creat-
ed her.  It also shows a common interest that you and God both hold.

1]  What is the essence of Marian Devotion?

Response:  To start, Mary is NOT a brain dead road sign who merely says, "Do
whatever he says."  Rather, she, unlike any creature of God, brings Jesus to you.
In as much, Marian Devotion consists in Mary taking Jesus and placing him in
your arms.  Then, when you die, Mary takes you and places you in Jesus' arms.
It's that simple.  But, it is the essence of sacredness.  Only the arrogant are in
complete incomprehensive to this reality.
Painted by an Australian friend.

2a]  Isn't looking at a painting or statue of the Virgin Mary idolatry?

Response:  Do you have photos of your loved ones at home?   When you look at
those photos, are you worshiping the people within the frames?   In fact, do you
have photos of sports heroes, war heroes, peace heroes, singing stars, or movie
stars?  Do you worship those people as if you actually believe that they created
all that is seen and unseen?   Religious images are reminders.   They are study
guides that help you recollect something pertinent about the event or person de-
picted in the image upon which you are meditating.

Such images are a view to a scene or a person.   They let you experience the per-
son or the event to some degree.   When you view and make conscious note of an
image of the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, or the Ascension, it places your con-
siderations and realizations at the event represented.

Religious images have symbolism attached to them.  The symbolism for martyrs
includes the article of execution used upon the martyr, as well as a palm branch to
remind the viewer that the saint represented in the image was a martyr.   Thus, in
images of Saint Jude, you will see clubs.  In images of Saint Andrew, you will see
an X-shaped  cross.  In as much, images of the saints are blessed picture books.  
The stained glass versions of such images helped the illiterate tremendously. 

3a]  Where in the Bible does it state that the
        Virgin Mary was conceived without sin?

Response:  It was mentioned at the Annunciation when the Archangel Gabriel said,
"Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with you."   To be full of one thing is to be free of
its opposite.  Therefore, to be full of grace is to be free of sin.  Furthermore, to be
full of grace is different than being filled with the Holy Spirit .  To be filled with
the Holy Spirit still requires the person to receive stipends of grace, so that sin will
not be out of control weeds in the soul.  To be full of grace is to be in a state where
all sin is always crowded out.

The church came before the New Testament.  If it were not for the apostles and the
faith of the early Christians, there would be no series of written texts called the New
Testament.  Therefore, the Bible was made for man --- not man for the Bible.   The
New Testament came forth from Tradition.  Tradition existed first.

The Bible has a limited number of pages, meaning that it's finite.  It was written in
the service of the Infinite God.  Thus, not everything is in the Bible, being that finite
pages cannot contain knowledge of the Infinite.  Therefore, it wasn't required for the
Bible to state that the Virgin Mary was conceived in an immaculate state of soul.  In
fact, John stated in his Gospel,  "There are also many other things that Jesus did,
but if they were to be described individually,  I don't think that the entite world 
would be able to contain the books that would be written."  Therefore, a writer of
the Bible stated that not everything is in the Bible.  Quite frankly, hardly anything is
in the Bible.

The Bible is merely the Beginner's Book.   It's training wheels compared to what the
angels know about the subject, as well as what you'll personally experience in your
interaction with God, the angels, the saints, and even people in this life.   Your edu-
cation will be the result of the Holy Spirit infusing knowledge into you and the oth-
ers who will share their knowledge with you.  This type of thing happens whether
the person given infused knowledge read the Bible or not.  Reading the Bible does
not guarantee holiness.  Satan  knows the Bible far more than anyone of us.  Know-
ing it didn't make him a saint.

3b]  The Bible said that, "In Adam, all have sinned."  
        Isn't the Virgin Mary a member of this "all?"

Response:  Mary wasn't in Adam.  She was in the Holy Spirit.  This is why God
the Father gave the impulse to the archangel Gabriel which resulted in him appear-
ing to Mary and defining her as "Full of Grace."  Never before and never after did
God the Father instruct any angel to appear to anyone on earth and recognize her as
being full of grace.

A handful of  people in scriptural passages were described as being full of the Holy
Spirit, but this is different than being full of grace.   To be full of grace is to possess
all of the graces existing in the treasury of the Holy Spirit, to the point where you can
wield them as if there were yours.  To be full of the Holy Spirit still places the per-
son in need of the Holy Spirit conveying specific needed graces to him/her.   To be
full of the Holy Spirit is to be in possession of sanctifying grace.   To be full of grace
is to be in possession of all actual internal graces without having in your soul a com-
ponent that acts against those graces.  Any component within the soul that acts against
grace is an element of original sin. 

3c]  But what empowered God to create Mary Immaculate?

Response:  The foreseen merits of Christ and Christ's rights as Savior of mankind
did so.  Jesus is the perfect savior.  He has the right to save souls in every spectrum
of life, from the beginning to the end of life.  He was empowered to save a person
who jumped off a bridge, in giving that person the unfailing grace to make a perfect
act of contrition or of love before that person hit the water.   He was empowered to
save from their sins those on their death beds, moments away from eternity.  Thus,
he had the right to save one person from even falling into sin, in the first place. 

What he did to Mary the first moment she was created was equivalent to catching
someone before she falls into the mud.  The fact that he would one day perform the
priestly sacrifice that only he could do was all that was needed to empower him to
save Mary from falling into the state of original sin.  Christ is more dynamic than
what he is presently made out to be.  He only looks like a buffoon when buffoons                             talk about him.  People equate him with the buffoons who talk about him.

4]  The idea of Original Sin sounds too judgmental.  How could 
      a mere child who didn't do anything start out in original sin?

Response:  No child is guilty of committing the original sin, being that no child is
the original Adam.  Rather, being conceived in the state of original sin consists in
being conceived in the same state that Adam found himself, the moment after he
committed the original sin.

This state of original sin brings with it obscured reason, as well as senses that can
get out of control.  This is why we must apply ourselves to learning and why we al-
so need to do some type of good in life, such as occasional fasting, abstention, works
of mercy, prayer, and  those bodily workouts formerly known as mortifications.  Af-
ter all, we are not born with infused knowledge and we no longer possess the endow-
ment of integrity.   The first objective is to conquer your cravings.

The other effect of original sin that can lead to tragedy and abuse is interdependence.
Those who take advantage of the dependence of others rocket into Hell like lightning,
if they die before converting.  Forcing women to partake in prostitution is a sin worse
than the acts of prostitution themselves. 

5]  What gave Christ the power to assume 
      Mary into Heaven body and soul?

Response:  The Ten Commandments did.  It is written, "Honor your mother and 
father."   If Jesus didn't take his own mom into Heaven body and soul, he would
have sinned against his own commandment.  This was expressly mentioned in the
Infallible Statement, titled, Munificentissimus Deus, published in 1950.

6]  The Bible states that there is but one Mediator between God 
      and Man.   That would exclude everyone else, including Mary.

Response:  No one devoted to Mary ever said that she was the savior of mankind.
This is where one needs to have a minimal understanding of Latin.  Co-redemptrix
means, "With the Redeemer."  Mary called God her savior during the Visitation she
made to her cousin Elizabeth.   That same biblical passage stated that all generations
will call her blessed.   People devoted to the Virgin Mary, by their devotion, call her
blessed, thereby fulfilling the prophecy about her in the Bible.   If you do not call her
blessed, then you are the one who is anti-Biblical.  After all, it is written, "All gener-
ations will call me blessed, because he who is mighty has done great things 
for me and holy is his name."   "His name," incidentally, means "his person."

Christ is the Mediator for the forgiveness of sin.  Mary is the dispenser of graces,
because of Jesus' priestly sacrifice.  Such a job resulted in her being called, Mary,
the Mediatrix of All Graces.

There is a reason why Mary must be the Mediatrix of the graces which, incidental-
ly, come from her spouse, the Holy Spirit.  It pertains to the the Last Supper.   The
Last Supper was the first Mass, where Jesus gave to mankind the last commandment
that he will ever give.   This occurred when he said, "Love  one another as I have
loved you."  Mary is the master link in that chain of loving one another as Christ has
loved us.   After all, she was personally in direct view of Divine Love longer than
anyone in the history of mankind.   Therefore, she has more experience at interacting
with it.

In the mystery of love, Mary transformed into the Holy Spirit.  I can assure you, ev-
en if you are the most Bible-reading person on earth, Mary knows mysteries that you
do not.  So, why not go to the source of the mysteries that pertain to the salvation of
mankind?  The Virgin Mary knows what it means to be saved more than anyone in
existence.  More mercy was bestowed upon the Virgin Mary, in keeping her free
from sin, than was bestowed upon every converted prostitute combined.

It's written, "Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, nor has it entered the hu-
man heart as to what God has prepared for those who love him ..."  1 Cor., 2:9. 
Also written is, "Beloved,  we are God's children now.  What we shall be has 
not yet been  revealed.   We do  know that, when it is revealed, we shall be like
him, being that we shall see him as he is.This means that the mysteries of God
are far too deeply recessed and awe-striking for them to be reduced to the basal
mentality of those too cowardly to aspire the to depths and heights where one ex-
pects to find the angels stationed.   The express route to the angels is the Rosary,
of course.  The principle prayer of the Rosary are the words of God the Father
spoken by Gabriel.  It is known as the Angelic Salutation ... the Hail Mary.

People who hate the Virgin Mary do so, because they think that they have an aver-
sion to what they perceive to be gymnastics training and harsh disciplinary oppres-
sion.   Yet, those who have an affinity to her see her as a beautiful starlit night.  Her
devotees become attracted to her beauty and inviting friendliness, if they don't do
so, in the quest for solace in tragedy.  They are devoted to her because they want to
be near her.   She then takes over and starts the trimming, pruning, and overhauling
process.   After the chiseling, one ends up perceiving the Holy Spirit for what he ac-
tually is; Kindness itself.  Concerning Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
