
The Faith of Peter & Paul (aka Catholic Doctrine.) Test it for cracks.

Definitions of God, Love, Faith, Prayer,
Evil, Sin, Innocence, Worship, Meekness, 
Mysticism, Beauty, Prayer, and Messiah
The sources herein include Thomas Aquinas,
Francis de Sales,  Catherine of Siena,  Louis
of Montfort,  Pius XII,  &  St. Bonaventure.
Those who appreciate beauty become the
beauty they appreciate.  In a similar fashion,
the mystery of love is that of transforming
into the object of your love.  This includes
transforming into evil, if this happens to be
the object of your love.

The Virgin Mary once appeared to Saint Dominic after he failed to convert the
Albigensians, despite his athletic effort to do so.  She told him that he was try-
ing to cultivate a harvest where no rain had fallen. She then told him that the
Angelic Psalter (today's Rosary) was the way to convert souls.

The modus operandi of the Virgin Mary is to first send rain, in gentle drops.
Her next mode of action is dependent upon the way the people involved re-
spond to her gentleness.  The following are elements of the Faith of Peter,
written like a penny catechism.  That's to say, they're rain drops of the Faith.
After all, kindness and truth are a package deal, as was first stated in the Book
of the Prophet Isaiah.  The Holy Spirit is Kindness in essence.  The Holy Spirit
revealed truth.  He always proceeds in gentleness.  The Virgin Mary brings the

One more point to make here:

   Theology = Faith seeking reason, as to why a doctrine was declared as it was.

1. Mysticism.   To start, what is mysticism?   ANS:  Mysticism is contact with God.
This is an official church definition and not a personal opinion.  My personal opinion
is that mysticism is the act of delving into the infinite and supernatural, while simul-
taneously abandoning the finite and animalistic.  This comprises detaching oneself
from utterly worthless vanities such as "self esteem."  My alternate definition of
mysticism is transformation.  Transformation was a theme of Saint Catherine of
Siena, incidentally.  She's a doctor of the church.

2.  God.   How is God correctly defined, aside of  the only being in all of existence
who never had a beginning?   ANS:  In status, God is the Unmoved Mover and the
Catalyst that never was catalyzed.  In essence, God is the infinite perfection of ev-
ery virtue in existence simultaneously occurring in the same one being. 

2b.  It is not merely that God loves, communicates in truth, grants mercy, and stays
faithful.   Rather, God is charity & mercy itself, as well as kindness & truth,  justice
& peace,  fairness & generosity,  patience & temperance, fortitude & heroism, grat-
itude & fidelity, prudence & innocence, etc.

2b.  God being the Unmoved Mover means that existence is no chance occurrence.
You realize this when you follow the trail of cause and effect.   At the end of every
trail is the discovery that everything traces itself to an Unmoved Mover, as well as
an Uncatalyzed Catalyst.   Either someone or a plurality of someones brought into
existence all that came to be.   Even if you are an unwavering adherent to the Big
Bang Theory, you have to admit that no one has ever been able to explain how the
unfathomably dense initial atom, with its billions of galaxies locked inside of it,
came into existence.

2c.  God is transcendent, being untouchable by all that is seen and unseen.  Yet, the
same God is immanent, in being fully involved in all that is.  In fact, God is more
real in any one of us than any one of us is real in ourselves.   God is so intimately
involved in any one person that there's a recessed area in each human soul reserved
solely for God.  Not even angels are capable of reaching it.

2d.   The spiritually fatal error in modern physicists' search for the God Genome or
the God Particle, in order for it to officially recognize the existence of God, consists
in the reality that God is Spirit and Truth.   Physicists are looking for an infinite spir-
it in the world of the finite physical.

3.   Humanity's Existence.   The aforementioned statements make one conclude
that God is the executive producer of man's existence, no matter how the same one
God arranged for that existence to come into being.   In light of this, what was God's
ultimate goal in creating humanity?   ANS:  God created mankind, in order to unite
with his creation, by becoming man.  In sequence, God's purpose for sharing in man's
humanity was so that man could share in God's divinity.  This is mentioned in the Li-
turgical prayer in the Canon of the Mass.

3b.  This is where the mystery of love is activated.  Firstly, the Mystery of Love that
of transforming into the object of your love.  In this mystery, God so loved mankind
that God became man.   Love is transformational.

3c.  The phenomenon of God uniting with God's creation translates into the concept
of Messiah.   Now, Messiah means Anointed One.  It is synonymous with the title,
Christ.    The phenomenon of the Anointed One consists in humanity being anointed
by the divinity of God in the same one person.   The Anointed One, therefore, has to
be God or else the union of divinity and humanity can't occur.   This is where recog-
nition of the existence of the Son of God comes to the fore.   The Son of God is the
only one in existence who can become man and then activate the anointing of divin-
ity upon humanity.   The union of the divine with the human is the Hypostatic Union.

3d.  Without the existence of the Son of God, the existence of an entire God is com-
pletely impossible.   Moreover, in order for God to exist as an eternal, all-powerful,
and life-giving being, such a God can only exist as a Trinity.   This means that God
is not a him or a her.   Rather, God is a "them" who is only properly described in the
third person plural of "they" when describing the actions of God.

3e. God is a spiration from one infinite person that is requited by a second infinite
person.  The spiration of all which is infinitely virtuous is the third infinite person. 
In fact, the second infinite person is the Raison d'Etre of the first infinite person,
and the spiration itself is the third infinite person of this united Divine Essence.

3e1. A person who has no beginning sends forth a spiration that says,  "Let there
be light."   A second person who also has no beginning responds by stating, "So
be it.   Let there be light."  A third person as infinite as the other two is the light
itself.  This means that God is a 1} spiration sending forth all that is virtue, 2} a
requitement of that spiration in consenting to all that is virtue, 3} a living light that
is the infinite virtue, itself.   God is a crossfire of love, with the third person being
the fire which is being eternally exchanged between the first and second person of
the endlessly united being.

3f.  Some people claim that there is no God, because there has never been any quan-
titative measurement of God found to exist.   The answer to this is that, if you could
measure God, then it wouldn't be God whom you're measuring.   This is because the
Eternal God is transcendent and incomparable.   Secondly, quantitative measurement
denotes physical structure.   God doesn't have a molecular structure to put under an
electron microscope.   God is in all things only in that God is involved in all things. 
In essence, God is Spirit and Truth

4.  There is a difference between being blessed and being anointed.   In light of this,
it is written, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God." 
What does it mean to be poor?    ANS:  To be poor means to be constantly de-
pendent upon God.

4b.  It is also written, "Blessed are the meek."    What does it mean to be meek? 
ANS:  To be meek means to be able to take a hit without hitting back.   Meek-
ness is an element of temperance.

5. Beauty.    What is beauty?    ANS:  Beauty is Harmony & Proportion.  The
source to this statement is Saint Francis de Sales.  In addition, beauty is not limited
to the face, the physique, a sunset, or a starlit night.  That is to say, it's not limited to
the physical world.

5b. For example, you can engage in beautiful speech, where the subject matter is in
harmonious context, with all subsets of the subject matter getting proportionate at-
tention.   You can also have a beautiful relationship, consisting in harmony between
each person involved, as well as proportionate interaction between the same.  In se-
quence, a beautiful relationship is one where the rapport between the people in the
relationship is not lopsided.

5b1.  Beauty exists as a reality, and not as a matter of personal preference.  Now,
what one person might find attractive is not always something beautiful.  There's
a difference between attraction and beauty.   Being that God exists in proportion-
ate harmony between three divine persons, God is Beauty itself. 

6.  Evil.   What is evil?  ANS:  Evil is the lack of a good which ought to be present
but is absent.  Evil is deprivation.

6b. Can there be a God when so much evil has been allowed to perpetuate through-
out the centuries?   ANS:  The answer is Yes.  God did not will the evil to transpire.
The Divine Essence did not give permission for it to happen.  That's why there is
something known as sin.  Plus, the existence of evil in the world cannot negate the
existence of God.  In fact, there is evil done in the name of a God whose image
was distorted by those doing the evil.

Evils on earth perpetuate, only because few people on earth seek to stop them from
happening.  It is NOT God letting the evil happen.  It's mankind.  The answer is that
evil is prevailing throughout the earth because either you, in your cowardice, let it
happen or others in their cowardice won't help you stop any evil you trying to stop.
In the alternate, those in power are so self-centered and inconsiderate that they let
evil perpetuate.  Yet, the self-centered mind set is the mindset of a coward.  The
gutless cowardice of men is what lets evil prevail on earth.  It's known as the sin
of cooperation.

Sin is the act of spiritual suicide.   It's the act of turning away from God.  It consists
in jumping off the bridge which is God.  More specifically, sin is the act of seeking
to negate your existence, even though you were created to exist for ever.   In fact, sin
is the act of  becoming nothingness itself.  Whereas God is Love, a obstinate sinner
in the state of mortal sin is Nothingness.  Mention of the nothingness of sin appears
in the Dialogues of St. Catherine of Siena.  The text includes private revelations con-
veyed to Catherine.

6b. Why does God stand by, letting evil occur, instead of stopping it by supernatural
intervention?  ANS:  It is allowed, in order to bring forth a greater state of good than
that which would have existed if the evil in question never occurred.  God stands by,
while evil completes its destruction, so that God can construct a greater good than
was previously there.

6c.  It's also a matter of the pruning effect.   The pruning of tree branches results in
the vibrant growth of the tree being pruned.   God allows evil, so that the pruning of
the soul can occur.

6d.  This principle is illustrated in the discipline of weight lifting.   Lifting weights
results in muscle actually being torn down.  A day of rest follows the workout, there-
by enabling the body to rebuild.   Thus, the weight lifting routine in itself does not
build the body, but rather the days of recuperation, after each workout, do.  In like
fashion, evils in themselves don't benefit anyone.   Rather, its the rebuilding that oc-
curs after the damage has been done which brings forth the greater state of good.

7.  Sinners.   What is a sinner?   ANS:  A sinner is a person who loves evil and
then becomes in essence the evil loved.  Evil, too, is part of the transformational
mystery of love.   After all, there is such a thing as the Mystery of Evil.  It's some-
thing that has been ongoing throughout the history of mankind  ....  throughout the
tragic history of mankind.  It was Saint Bernadette Soubirous said that a sinner is
a person who loves evil.   She was the Lourdes apparition girl of 1858.  She is
the patron saint of asthmatics.

8. Worship.   What actually is worship?   ANS:  Worship is the act of attributing
the beginning and end of your existence to someone or something.

9.  Innocence.   Does Innocence mean naivety?   Does it denote docility?   Does
it mean to be meek?   Does it mean to be uninvolved?   ANS:  The answer is no,
in all four instances.   Innocence is freedom from sin  ...  freedom from spiritual

9b.  Spiritual death is the absence of the sanctifying grace which should be flow-
ing through the soul of the person in mortal sin.   However, everyone is being giv-
en actual graces, in order for that person to be able to do good and even be spared
from evil consequences.   Actual graces are given, in order to enable the person to
either return to the state of sanctifying grace or remain in that state.  The opposite
of actual graces is temptation.

9c.  The Grace of God is the only thing which enables a person to do good.  In fact,
prayer is an essential element in preventing the absence of needed graces.  In addi-
tion, the true Sister Lucia Martos of Fatima fame, stated that a person can learn more
from prayer than through reading volumes of books, during her pre-1957 days.   

Saint Augustine stated that prayer rules God.  Thus, instead of going to fortune tell-                                 ers, to see what your future holds, pray for your desired future to become a reality ... 

... if what you desire isn't sinful.  Prayer is the opposite of Calvinism, Determinism,                                      and even Fatalism.

Ukranian Rite Church: The same faith as Roman Catholicism.

10.  Prayer.   What is prayer?   ANS:  Prayer is the act of reaching out to God.  An
attraction to the celestial world results in the instinct to pray.  When in doubt on how
to pray, overlook your doubt and just start praying.  You'll catch on, as to the way
prayer becomes effective.

11. Faith.   It is written that faith without good works is dead faith.   Quite frankly,
faith without good works is a sick joke and the ultimate hypocrisy.   What is faith?    
ANS:  Faith is the understanding of an infinite God that we, in our finite minds, can
not understand in any other way.    Faith is spiritual radar.   Faith is the translation
machine.   Faith is a supernatural gift that involves deeply recessed instinct.  It isn't
a matter of prejudice or opinion.  It's a matter of identification.

12.  Doctrine.   Why is it a matter of life and death for you to adhere to the correct
doctrine?    ANS:  This is because a person only acts according to his beliefs.  If
you believe wrongly, then you will act wrongly.   The atrocities of Nazi Germany
were entirely based on false beliefs.   If you don't get the doctrine right, your entire
world will go wrong.   You will then become a destroying angel, and later on, you
will go about, getting others to be accomplices to your living lies ...  should you
adhere to the wrong doctrine.