
The Crossfire of Love

When you pray the Rosary for someone, Mary places that person between
you and her.  As soon as you start,  you radiate currents of love to Mary.  
She instantaneously responds, by sending currents of her love to you.

Currents of love simultaneously radiat from the both of you, and the person for
whom you are praying gets caught in the crossfire of your love.  If that person's 
a wilted plant, currents will prop him/her up.

The Rosary can bring life out of persons drained, chagrined, and disheveled.
Yet, it will not result in a manic state, or anything that resembles a temporary
coffee high.  It will certainly not result in a Kool-Aid drinker's religious fanatic
state which is nothing more than the sin of spiritual and emotional gluttony.  In
as much, all extremists are gluttons.  Moreover, extremists dehumanize others,
resulting in the fanatic finally dehumanizing himself in the abusive process.

For those unfamiliar, Kool-Aid refers to cult members, being that some com-
mitted mass suicide via poisoned Kool-Aid in decades past.  Suicide is idiotic.  
You are gonna to eventually die anyway.   The trick is to be ready to take with
you into the state of forever the most meaningful and life-flourishing things you 
possibly can.

So, cool it with the death thing as much as you can, for as long as you can,
while always being ready to take the one-way voyage into eternity.

The Rosary, due to its meditative feature, will show you that, even when you're
standing in front of an ocean, there is more expansive room on the inside of you
than on the outside.  Despite the size of an ocean outside, the interior life is far
more expansive.  You can soar through the interior life without the need of brakes.

The Virgin Mary was known to have relayed promises to Saint Dominic Guzma
and Blessed Alan of La Roche, concerning those who pray the Rosary.  They are
actually line items of a pact that Mary makes with the devotee, due to her protec-
tive personality.  The promises are insurance benefits ... an heir's inheritance.
They are the effect in the Cause & Effect of praying the Rosary.   Plus, the 
Rosary is for all seasons of human emotion and all circumstances in
which one may find him/herself. 

Keep in mind the wilted vs generated bandwidths of human existence.


The following is what you get for radiating currents of love to Mary:

1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary,  shall 
    receive powerful graces.   2. I promise my special protection and the great-
    est graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, de-
    stroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.      4. It will cause virtue and 
    good works to flourish, and obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God.  
    It will withdraw the hearts of people from the love of the world and its 
    vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things.  Oh, that souls 
    would sanctify themselves by this means. 

5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, 
    shall not perish.    6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying 
    himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be con-
    quered by misfortune.  God will not chastise him in his justice, and he 
    will not perish by an unprovided death.  If he be just, he shall remain in 
    the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.

7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without 
     the Sacraments of the Church.     8. Those who are faithful to recite the 
     Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God 
     and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall par-
     ticipate in the merits of the Saints in Paradise.    9. I shall deliver from 
     purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.  10. The faithful 
     children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

  11. You shall obtain all you ask of me through the recitation of the Holy 
        Rosary.  12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided
        by me in their necessities. 

  13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary 
        shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and 
        at the hour of death.   14. All who recite the Rosary are my children, and 
        brothers and sisters of my only Son, Jesus Christ.      15. Devotion to my 
        Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

        For more on this devotion advocated by saints, Successors of Peter, and very
        nice people, as well as brazen sinners who didn't deny the beauty of  Mary,
        despite the delay in their eventual conversions, take a look at:

Symbolic of the Fountain of Grace, where the Holy Spirit is the actual water.

The Hail Mary & Marian devotion are definitely Biblical, found at the beginning of Luke's gospel, as well as existing throughout tradition.

"Henceforth, all generations will call me blessed, because he who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is his name."   Luke 1:48 - 1:49  (Marian Devotion fulfills this Biblical prophecy.)

Perhaps you know the thought process of those who follow TV preachers clad in business suits.  They claim that praying the Hail Mary is pagan idolatry, especially when done in front of a statue of Mary.  They claim that Marian Devotion [1] detracts from Jesus ... that it [2] robs Christ of the attention due to him ... that it [3] draws people away from Jesus, making him a stranger to mankind.  Do you see the supreme asininity in that claim?  

Take Note:

To start, the Hail Mary comes directly from the Bible itself, in the Gospel of Luke ... at the very beginning of it.  Things derived directly from the Bible cannot possibly be pagan idolatry.  Next:

The most common Marian devotion is the Rosary.  It was originally called, the Angelic Psalter.  The Rosary consists in praying the Hail Mary several times in succession, while simultaneously meditating on specific events involving Jesus Christ. 

The Hail Mary takes about 20 seconds to pray, unless if you're a contemplative, upon which it would take you about 35 to 45 seconds to complete.  Well, at the eight second mark, a person praying the Hail Mary states (either verbally or silently)  ...  "blessed is the fruit of your womb," Luke 1:42, with the word, Jesus, added to the prayer.

Now, the Rosary consists in calling Jesus blessed every 20 to 35 seconds, time after time.  How could a devotion which repeatedly calls Jesus blessed be one that detracts from Jesus?  How could a devotion that consists in a person reflecting on the Incarnation, Life, Sufferings, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ detract from Christ?  Hello?  Is anybody home here?

The Centering Prayer

In addition, being that the name of Jesus is blessed by the Rosary devotee every 20 to 35 seconds during Rosary prayer, this means that within the Rosary is the CENTERING PRAYER that was done by contemplative monks in ages past.  They simply repeated the name Jesus, within spaces of time, to keep focused.  So, while you are praying the Rosary, you are simultaneously doing the Centering Prayer.

The Our Father, too

The meditation of each mystery of the Rosary actually begins with the Our Father, taught by Jesus, himself.  So, how does observing the formula for prayer that was taught by Jesus detract from Jesus, especially when it's immediately followed by calling Jesus blessed, every 20 to 35 seconds?  In fact, as soon as you pray the Our Father, you are acknowledging Jesus as your "teacher."  Therefore, praying the Rosary consists in the devotee calling Jesus the blessed teacher --- or blessed rabbi.  Now, how does this constitute pagan idolatry that detracts from Jesus?

One more thing about the Hail Mary:  

The opening words of it are the words of God the Father, himself, spoken through the Archangel Gabriel.  This is why the Hail Mary was originally called, the Angelic Salutation.  In as much, to have an aversion to the Hail Mary is to have an aversion to the Will of God the Father, as was announced by an archangel.

Concerning the translation of "full of grace" in the Gospel of Luke, it comes from the common citizen's Greek.  It is translated from KECHARITOMENE, and it refers to someone who has been completely graced and who remains in the process of being graced.  It's like a flowing river which continues to get water from its tributary water sources.  In Mary's case, the tributaries flowing into her are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  So, the Hail Mary Prayer should actually be, "Hail Mary, fully graced, the Lord is with you." 

People who condemn the Rosary have one thing in common

They're lazy.  It's that simplex.  The Rosary requires a person to state verbal prayer, at least in silence, while simultaneously meditating on an aspect of Christ and the Holy Spirit.  They literally have trouble doing both types of prayer at the same time.  So, instead of being honest about their lack of concentration, they condemn the Rosary.  It's a lazy man's way of getting out of work. 

Now, if you have trouble combining verbal prayer with meditation, simply pray one Our Father and One Hail Mary, and then meditate on at least one of the "mysteries" of the Rosary.   Each mystery is basically an event.  One is a repeated event, concerning one thing Christ said.  The other mysteries are all single events.  

There are the Joyous, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries.  Other mysteries not yet mentioned in this discourse include [1] Christ's baptism at the hands of his cousin, John ... [2] the Wedding Feast of Cana ... [3] Christ stating a couple times, in different places, that the "Kingdom of God is at hand"... [4] the Transfiguration, etc.  

Now, meditating on those events should be within your capabilities, even if only for a short while.  One Our Father and one Hail Mary will only take a minute and a half ... or even less time.  Easy to do ... unless if you are pathologically lazy.  If you're pathologically lazy, then you are also an impatient person.  If you're an impatient person, you also have a violent streak within you.  You need the Rosary all the more.

John the Baptist is a pivotal feature in Marian Devotion

Now, the words, "blessed is the fruit of your womb," were spoken by Mary's cousin, Elizabeth, after Elizabeth was "filled with the Holy Spirit."  Thus, to hate the Hail Mary is to also hate the inspiration of the Holy Spirit --- or to be jealous of Elizabeth for getting it 2,000 years before you were even born.

Incidentally, Saint Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist, and the Visitation involves Mary visiting Elizabeth, when both women were pregnant.  Elizabeth had a three month head start.

Now, the central mystery of the Visitation was that, as soon as Mary greeted Elizabeth, John the (Future) Baptist was rendered into the State of Grace.  In being rendered into the state of grace, he immediately recognized Christ within Mary, and he leapt for joy.  Ironically, it was Christ who rendered him in the state of grace, in the first place.  And Mary was there, front & center, like the miraculous Ark of the Covenant, literally carrying Christ.

John the (Future) Baptist was not conceived in the state of grace, as was Mary.  But, he was born in the state of grace.  Therefore, the Second Joyous Mystery, namely the Visitation, is the Mystery of John the Baptist.  And being that John the Baptist was the prophet commissioned to herald the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah, meditating on John will NOT detract from Christ.  It will enhance your understanding of Christ, all the more.  In fact, having John as your intercessor, praying for you, only makes you all the more protected from the servants of Lies & Violence.

By the way, being that John the Baptist was rendered into the State of Grace as a pre-born infant, he is proof that infant baptism is completely valid.  The Anabaptists, aka the Baptists, aka the Born-again "Christians," long since claimed that infant baptism is invalid.  St Luke says that they were & are hellishly wrong ... as usual.   Next issue . . .

Mary walks into Elizabeth's dwelling and speaks.  Immediately, John the Future Baptist is rendered in the State of Grace, upon the sound of Mary's voice.  What does this illustrate?   

ANS:  It illustrates that Mary is the Mediatrix of Grace ... as opposed to the mediator of the expiation of sin --- as opposed to the mediator of atonement.  Christ, himself, is the sacrificial lamb whose blood washes away sin.  Only the Eternal God could do that task, after having been made man.  However, the Blood of Christ came from the blood of Mary.  Yet, concerning those two circulatory systems, only Christ's blood was divine ... literally divine.

In review, to be the mediatrix of those graces which come from the Holy Spirit is something altogether different than to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  So, cool it with the "idolatry" accusations.  It's just that the Virgin Mary walks into a dwelling, speaks, and voila; a child is rendered into the state of grace and leaps for joy.  That's power, and that power was & is a Grace from God.  

Very simply, Mary is the treasurer of the Grace of God.  Jesus' act of redemption is what unlocked the treasure chest ... the bank vault of grace ... the front doors of the Spiritual Fort Knox.   So, instead of regarding Mary as the Queen of Heaven, it is more proper to regard her as the Treasurer of Heaven. 

More specifically, due to the sacrifice of Christ, God the Holy Spirit was empowered to bestow upon Mary a treasury of graces.  Those graces became her possessions.  And a person may do with her possessions as she wills.  So, she shares her graces to others, in the millions ... the hundred millions ... even in the billions.   However, asking for the graces is required.  Graces aren't haphazardly strewn about, by her.

In review, by means of Christ's sacrifice, God gave Mary a wealth of graces.  She does with those graces as she pleases.  She explained this in Paris, in 1830, via a supernatural event endowed upon the incorruptible saint, Catherine Laboure.  This was also explained in Naples, during a supernatural event in 1884.  See:  Rue de Bac apparitions, 1830 & 54 day novena apparition of 1884.

The bottom line is that the Rosary enhances awareness of the presence of Christ, the charism of Christ, the personality of Christ, the mission of Christ, and the commitment of Christ.  Thus, the Rosary instills hope in Christ.   So, how does the Rosary detract from Christ, again? 

In summary, devotion to the Rosary is the act of joining Mary in being a fellow-follower of Jesus Christ.  She happens to be the most insightful follower --- the most powerful follower.  Jesus & Mary, as well as John the Baptist, can easily finish each other's sentences.  In fact, when St. John leapt for joy in the womb of his mother, he was literally finishing Mary's sentence, when she was greeting Elizabeth.

Sometimes praying the Rosary is like having a consultation with Mary.  At other times, it's like performing an inspection of the spiritual world.  At other times, it's like standing in front of a Ferris Wheel, and getting swooped-up in one of the seats.  

Prayer is the act of reaching out to God.  Heaven then reaches back to you, extending graces to you.  An actual grace is basically an impulse upon your soul.  Sanctifying grace, on the other hand, is a constant state of being.  It's like spiritual oxygen.  Without it, you suffocate.

Call to mind the miraculous cloak of Elijah which was then inherited by Elisha.  Well, all Brown Scapulars are an extension of that cloak.  If you can explain Elijah's cloak, then you can explain the Brown Scapular.

In review, Sacred Scripture itself states, "Henceforth, all generations will call me blessed, because he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name."  Gospel of Luke, 1:48-49.  Therefore, if you do NOT call Mary blessed, then you are anti-biblical, anti-gospel, and anti-Christ, no matter how saved you arrogantly think you are.  After all, it was Christ who chose to become man in the Virgin Mary, and he was not required to first obtain the approval of Protestants to do so.  Thus, the truth posted below triggers outrage & seething hatred in the individuals who call themselves "saved:" 

 The blood of Christ came from the blood of Mary.  

In order for that to have happened, Mary needed to have already been pure.  The Second Person of the Holy Trinity was not going to inhabit a trash bin.  So, to deny Mary's purity is to deny that Christ came in the flesh and dwelt among us.  It's also to deny that Christ was pure, from Day 1.  All in all, to deny Mary is to simultaneously deny Christ ... and visa versa.  So, if you despise Mary, then you are less than a Big Nothing.  You're not even a Zero.  You're Negative Digits.


What It Means to be Baptized a Priest, Prophet, & King

For those unfamiliar with the rite of baptism, after a person is baptized in the Catholic
Church, the baptizing priest tells the person, in the presence of the person's sponsor,
that he/she is baptized a priest, prophet, and king.  The meaning of the title goes as


Firstly, what does a priest generally do?  ANS:  A priest offers sacrifices to God.  In                       as much, to be "baptized a priest" means that you have the power to offer prayers &                   sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and to obtain results in the process.  This is a             baptized layman's (laywoman's) most important power, because Christ came "to save                 his people from their sins.,"  When you partake in Christ's highest mission, it makes                      you the most Christlike amongst all of humanity. 


To be baptized a prophet means that you know the mind of God and the eventual
consequence of living contrary to God's mind.  At baptism, the Holy Spirit bestows               Infused Knowledge to the baptized individual.  This translates into Catholic Instinct.

Now, the Mind of God, the Way of God, the Will of God, and the Law of God are
the exact same thing.  In being baptized, you instinctively know the way God is.                        Prophets are social consciences.  In being baptized a prophet, you literally receive                       an instinctive conscience.  You instinctively  know the intimate details of God's                        personality, including God's likes and dislikes.  God's dislikes are known as sins. 


Very simply, baptism makes you an heir to the Kingdom of God.  In more detail ...

To be baptized a king means that you were christened as was King David and that
the christening enables you to share in the Divinity of Christ.  This means that you
have the power to unite your works with Christ and make them infinite.   This was
indicated at Fatima, in a prayer that the Angel of Peace taught the Fatima children,
in 1916.

As a qualifying note, in order to have the power to absolve penitents from sin, one
needs the sacrament of Holy Orders.  Firstly, it is an absolute lie to claim that you
confess your sins in private and that God forgives you, as if you exist in a vacuum,
far far away from other human beings.  Secondly, it's important to note that the priest-
hood powers of Holy Orders and the priesthood function that comes with baptism are
entirely distinct.  A layman can obtain a person's conversion, by obtaining the grace
of conversion for that person.  But, only the ordained priest has the power to absolve                that person from his/her sins.

No matter how evil the priest is, he has the same power to absolve you of your sins                     as does any other priest.  His problem is that he cannot absolve himself of his sins. 

As an additional qualifying statement, if a person is near death, yet no priest is near-
by, the solution from God is that of giving the dying person the grace to commit either
a Perfect Act of Contrition or a Perfect Act of Love.  If the person is not yet baptized,
then there is the possibility of the person receiving the grace to perform a baptism of
desire.  If the person never heard of Christ and his church, the person is assessed by
the precepts of natural law.  Contrary to the White Anglo Saxon Protestant mindset
of 19th Century America, in the Kingdom of God, ignorance IS an excuse of the law.
If you never heard of the Messiah, you are not bound to believe in someone you nev-
er knew existed.  However, when you die, he will be presented to you, and that is
when you make your eternal decision.

Color ... and grace ... are more noticeable when surrounded by darkness.

Now, it is a 100% lie to say that you chose "Jesus as your Lord and personal savior."
In the scriptures, Jesus is quoted as having said, "You did not chose me. Rather, I
chose you
."  You can chose nothing and no one without the grace to do so.  Christ
choose to give grace.  You have zero power to take it from him.  In fact, the most
psychotically distrustful conspiracy theorists I have ever had the aggravation of
encountering all have one arrogant belief.  It's the belief that "Christ conscious-
ness" is within us all, and all we have to do is extract it.  These are the ones who
refer to a saint as a "highly evolved person."  This is merely self-worship, in pro-
claiming that you're God with all the consciousness of divinity within you.

Each one of those persons had a few things in common.  1}  They were never in
the "popular school clicks,"  2} they were too uncoordinated to excel at sports
and even became envious at those who did.  3} They were emotionally cold and
even nerdlike.  They were too proud to confess their sins to a priest, claiming to
be the new priests themselves ... the new cosmic conscious of the era.  Again, they                     are cases of self-worship, and they were seething with envy.  Concerning sin ...

Let's go one step further:  If a person isn't sorry for his sins, but wills to cease
committing his mortal sins, the absolution given to him after confessing his sins
is valid.  This is called attrition.  Thus, there is contrition (sorrow for sin) and
there is attrition (admitting guilt and resolving to amend your ways without be-
ing contrite.)  Attrition and a good confession results in the forgiveness of sins.

Perfect Contrition and the will to go to confession in the future, if the opportunity
ever presents itself, results in the forgiveness of sins, also.  If you are near death
and are certain to never see a priest, the act of perfect contrition results in you be-
ing absolved of your sins.  The act of perfect love does, also.  Dying the death of
true martyrdom is an act of perfect love.

True martyrdom requires you to die unarmed.   Dying while killing someone is not
martyrdom.   It might be just warfare and an act of war heroism.  It might even be
justified self-defense.  But, it's not martyrdom.  Furthermore, blowing yourself up,
along with many unarmed people on a bus, is never martyrdom.  It's murder and
you will go to Hell for all eternity immediately after having wasted your life and
the lives of others, as a suicide bomber.   

Conversion only comes through actual grace

As was previously mentioned, an important feature of the priest, prophet, and king
state is the power to obtain the conversion of sinners.   Fatima affirmed how this
worked.  No one is converted in a vacuum.  Nobody is converted by persuasive talk.
A person is only converted by actual graces being bestowed upon the person in need
of conversion.  A grace is an impulse upon the soul ... like anointing droplets of oil.

Grace will not come to any person without someone already baptized praying or sa-
crificing for the person in need of conversion.  This is the case, no matter how many
TV evangelism shows the person watches.  This is the case, no matter how many
pages of the Bible are read to the person.  At Fatima, Our Lady said, "Poor sinners 
go to Hell because they have no one to pray for them or make sacrifices for them."

This is the most important aspect of the Fatima apparitions, because Hell is forever.
After all, you take with you into eternity take the love or anti-love within you.  Now,                    people have repeatedly witnessed Hell on Earth.  If there is Hell on Earth, there                      most certainly is Hell in Eternity --- outside of time & space.

If you don't pray for conversions, people won't be converted.   In having been bap-
tized a priest, you have the power to obtain the conversion of others even if you are
in a state of mortal sin.   Sin doesn't take away your power to offer prayers and sa-
crifices for others, being that sin doesn't take away your baptism.  When a person
commits mortal sin, the individual doesn't have to be baptized again.  In as much,
the Anabaptist movement was an error.  A person can only be baptized once.  Any
further attempts at baptism it is an illusion.  Anabaptists of old where called South-
ern Baptists.

If you don't know if you have ever been baptized, the officiating priest will perform
a Conditional Baptism upon you, just to make sure.  If you are near death, and no
priest is available, a baptized layman becomes the one assigned to baptize you.  The
laity does have the power to baptize.  Using that power becomes lawful when death
is near and no priest is available.  If no Christian is present to baptize you, your de-
sire to be baptized is baptism in itself.  Such is the Baptism of Desire.

There is also Baptism by Blood.  This is the case when you die for the faith before
receiving the opportunity to be baptized by water.  There is only one door to mercy.
But, there is more than one key to open the door.

Now, in order to gain spiritual indulgences for the souls in Purgatory, you need to
be in the state of sanctifying grace.   None the less, you need not worry if whether
or not you are in the state of grace when praying for the conversion of poor sinners
who will otherwise be in Hell for all eternity without your assistance.

If you are devoted to the Mercy of God, and if you are obtaining the conversion of
sinners while in the state of mortal sin, know that, one day, the sacrifices or prayers
of another person will obtain your conversion.

The Eternal God will open the doors of mercy to each person who displayed some
type of mercy in this life.  God never grants any mercy to the merciless. Let it be
repeated:  God never grants mercy to the merciless.

Of course, praying for the conversion of sinners is an act of mercy each time you
do so.  St. Francis de Sales, former Bishop of Geneva Switzerland, wrote that pray-
ing for the souls in Purgatory is actually the act of performing all of the works of
mercy at once.  Do not be deceived.  Purgatory exists.  Denying its existence illu-
strates that you are a lazy person who refuses to ease suffering.  It also makes you
a coward in your perpetual denial.  If you deny the existence of Purgatory, it simply
means that you are afraid of it... that you don't want it to exist.

The caveat is that, sometimes the grace of conversion given to the mercy worker
comes in the form of a fiery awakening, attached to an intense reality check of suf-
fering.  This was the case with King David.  Yet, it was for King David's own good.
After all, Christ stated in the Book of the Apocalypse and to Saint Teresa of Avila,
"I chastise the ones I love."  Thus, if you have done much evil and never were pun-
ished for it, it is a sign that you are destined to Hell for all eternity.

Christ appeared a number of times to a German prioress named, Gertrude.  So too
did Our Lady.  Once, Gertrude saw a vision of Mary where she suddenly opened
her mantel (her long cloak), and near Mary's feet were an array of animals whom
Mary would occasionally pet.  Gertrude asked who the animals were.  Mary said
that they were the sinners who will one day convert.  She said that she kept them
protected, so that their conversion would one day be assured.  So, if you're the
greatest sinner on Earth, always feel welcomed to pick up a rosary, a chaplet,
the Psalms, or a prayer book, and start praying.  Walk the Stations of the Cross.
Meditate on the meaning of various religious images.  Pray what the Angel of
Peace taught the Fatima children in 1916.  If you ask for the conversion of sin-
ners, one of those conversions will be your own.

If you state that your sins are too great for God to forgive, it means that you're an
arrogant person who claims that your actions are greater than God's actions.  You
are claiming that your sinfulness is greater than God's mercy.  If you are the most
evil human of all time, God's mercy is still available to you.  

In addition, your power to offer acceptable sacrifices is not limited to the conver-
sion of sinners.   You can make offerings for healings, external graces, internal
graces, the end of war, the end of drought, the end of pestilence, to get a spouse,
transportation, a house, employment, vocations, freedom from debt, freedom from
tyrants, and freedom from all types of misfortune.  All begins with your power to
offer supplications to the Divine Sovereign, aka the Lord.   If you're baptized, you
have a power you shouldn't waste.  If you're not baptized, you can be.  Christ estab-
lished a church with open doorways.


Comparing the Holy Trinity to a Song, a Chant, or a Hymn as well as Comparing Him to a Waterfall with a Radiating Mist

The following comes from:  1} St. Bonaventure's Spiration (his teaching on the
eternal interaction between the persons of the Trinity,)  2} St. Thomas Aquinas'
writings on the essence &  attributes of God, and 3} St. Catherine of Siena's men-
tion of transformative love.  If this article fails to achieve understanding, then it's
the fault of the writer (yours truly,) and not the aforesaid doctors of the church.

It's important to first know that the mystery of love is that of in transforming in-
to the object of your love.   In the Holy Trinity, the Father eternally transforms
into the Son and the Son eternally transforms into the Father.   This transforma-
tion is the Holy Spirit, itself.  Now, if one were to describe a basic outline of the
Trinity, by means of comparing him to a song, then one would start by stating:

The first infinite person of the Trinity begins
by generating the lyric: 
                Let there be light.

The second infinite person of the Holy Trinity
simultaneously requites the generated light, by
radiating a tone of understanding and consent
which says: 
                             So be it

     The light is the Holy Spirit himself.
Within the Holy Spirit is the living fulfillment of every ideal embraced by the first
infinite person of the Trinity.   The ideals of God are not inanimate.  They're living
realities, living in the Holy Spirit.   They're not air headed "happy thoughts."  They
are a designed set of aspirations and preferences willed to be in existence.  In order
for such aspirations and ideals to be perfect, they must be actualized.  They must be
living.  They are the Holy Spirit, himself.  They're God's personality traits and God's
essence simultaneously.

The attributes of God include the virtues of fidelity and generosity, as well as kind-
ness and honesty.  They are humility and gratitude, as well as fortitude and fidelity.
They are equally justice and temperance, as well as mercy and generosity, existing
in equal fraternity.  It's not that God is full of virtue.  Rather, God IS virtue; the to-
tality of virtue acts in essence, infinitely existing and all at once.  Plus, within God
there is no conflict.

Divine Love is also known as Agape, (pronounced awe-gah-pay.)   Being that the
ideals of God the Father are living realities existing in one spirit, this means that
God is the infinite perfection of every virtue in existence simultaneously transpir-
ing in one being.   The aspect of God being living virtue, acting out all virtue, in-
finitely so, was explained by Thomas of Aquinas. 

Each infinitely radiating ideal is given the full consent of the second person of the
Trinity.  The second person was the inspiration for these ideals to exist.  That is to
say that the second person was the motivation for the Eternal Father's thoughts of
virtue.  In fact, the second person of the Holy Trinity is the First person's reason
for being.  If the second person of the Trinity didn't exist, the first person of the
Trinity wouldn't have been motivated to exist.

Each ideal, such as kindness, is the essence of the Holy Spirit himself.  Now, for
the finite human mind in the fallen state of original sin to comprehend the myst-
ery of the Holy Trinity is no different than attempting to place an ocean in a sand
bucket.  The most that we can do on Earth is make sand castles on the shoreline.

The general lyrics in the song of the Holy Trinity are a chorus:

First Person ------- Let there be light.    
Second Person --- I witness it to be good and I consent in it being.
First Person ------ Let there be the infinite perfection of every virtue.  
Second Person --- So be it in an unbroken collection.
First Person ------ Let it be alive in one Spirit.   
Second Person --- Let it radiate through me.

That's the paraphrased version of the Song of the Holy Trinity.  Now, the accom-
panying music to that song is of an untold quality, where the Father empties him-
self into his Eternal Son, somewhat like a waterfall.   The Holy Spirit happens to
be the water.

When comparing the Holy Trinity to a waterfall, the first person of the Trinity
becomes the light refracting throughout the water, while the second person of
the Trinity is the spray of that waterfall, making the droplets look like deeply
colored gems of a majestic quality.   It's music with infinite sustain, and there
is a gentleness to it, amidst majesty and deep tones.   If you ever come hear it,
your life will never be the same again.

A replacement word for "So Be It" is Amen.  This is why Jesus is referred to as  
the Amen  in the Book of Revelations, at the third chapter ... Verse 14, if you're
curious.  In fact, he is referred to as the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, and
the Source of God's Creation.   He consents in the Father's Will and then makes it
happen.   He requites the same person's spirations ... aspirations and inspirations.
The Holy Trinity is the one able to be in the state of being without outside help.


The reason why God can only exist as a Trinity

Understanding the mystery of the Trinity with our finite
 minds is like trying to put an ocean into a beach pail.

How do you begin to write about someone who has no beginning?

Very simply, you enter into the midst of the person's being and describe the
activity occurring in the present tense.  That which is currently transpiring in
the Eternal God is that which has been occurring forever.

In eternity, there has always been one person with neither a beginning nor an
end who has been generating forth from his own essence an action which in-
cludes, but is not limited to, Charity.  (Note:  I don't use the word, love, when
speaking of spirituality, being that, in today's society, love is equated with Eros;
the erotic.)

This one person is the first infinite person of existence;  the first person of the
Holy Trinity.  Translated into human language, that which is spiritually being
spoken from this person is, "Let there be light."  So, what is this light?  This
light is every virtue in existence occurring simultaneously.

This endless action includes, but is not limited to, Charity, is:

1] an act of will ------ as opposed to uncontrolled motions, imposed by an
                                   inanimate force.

2] an act of desire --- where the desire was first inspired by the one desired.

3] an act of consent - liberating the desire to the point of transforming it into
                                   a living reality.

4] an act of power --- enabling the desire to be fulfilled in reality and actuality.

5] a command -------- testifying to the necessity of having the power liberated.

6] a way of being ---- living out that which is commissioned in the command.

7]  transformative --- in being a Charity (an Agape) so impactful that it makes
                                   you never the same again.

What is power?   ANS: Power is the ability to make things happen and to get
                            things accomplished.  Those governed must have the power
                            to abide by the command of the one in power, or the one
                            making the command will be powerless.  Thus, the second
                            infinite person of all existence already needed the power to
                            respond to that which the first infinite person generated to
                            him.  That power had within itself the power to inspire the
                            first infinite person of existence to generate his spiration of
                            Divine Charity and all other virtue, in the first.

 In light of this reality, as the way of God's being reflectively translates into
human life, power per se is NOT a trickle-down Reaganomics affect.  Rather,
power is something reciprocal.  Proof that even human power is reciprocal ex-
ists in the revolutions that plagued humanity throughout history, most of which
were triggered by the injustices of those in power.

                            In like fashion, the second infinite person of existence needed
                            the power to respond to that which the first person generated
                            to him.

In as much, a virtue is the power to let Being perpetuate forever.  The possession
of a virtue is the possession of a power that prevents the occurrence of nothing-
ness; that prevents the negation of being.  All in all virtue is a power that pre-
vents privation.   It prevents one from committing acts which lead to spiritual
death.  Thus, if God ever sinned, God would stop existing.

The first endless person of all existence has always had the power to keep his
own essence in perpetual existence.  This is known as being self-efficient.
This means that God is non-causative.  Nothing outside of God caused God
to be.

Concerning God's power, it's the power of existence which is equal to the
power to be forever free from the danger of entering into nothingness.  In
as much, God is properly described as He Who Is and  I AM - the one in
whom there is 1] the absence of nothingness, 2] the complete absence of
inaminateness,  3] the absence of frivolous vanity and pointlessness.

In God, there are neither any lapses of consciousness nor blind-spottedness.
Being that there is no pointlessness in God, there has to have always been
a reason for the first infinite person of all existence to have been radiating
forth his spiration of all virtue, in the first.  There had to have originally
been a reason for God to exist, being that God's existence was no accident.

God's existence is not happenstance.  He was motivated to exist and spirate
every virtue in existence.  Without the first infinite person's Reason for Be-
ing, the first infinite person of existence wouldn't have had any reason to
exist, and therefore, he would not exist.  Neither would we.

God's Reason for Being

The reason d'etre of the first person of all existence is none other than another
infinite person of all existence who has existed eternally, also.  In the infinite
spacelessness of eternity, this second infinite person is the one who consents
in the virtues that exude from the first infinite person.

The decisive truth in the second infinite person of existence is that he was the
one who inspired the first person to spirate virtue in the first place.  He inspired
the first infinite person to be.  Thus, the second infinite person of existence had
power; the power to inspire the first infinite person to be.  This teaches us that
power is reciprocal.  The power of the first infinite person is therefore equal to
the power of the second infinite person of existence.

Without the second infinite person of existence to inspire the first infinite person,
there would be no infinite person spirating forth any virtue, especially in light of
the fact that there must be a second person in existence to receive the simultane-
ous spirations.  This means that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity is not sub-
servient to the first person.  Father and Son are equal in power, as well as essence.

The Divine Chorus

The most proper human name for the first person of all existence would be none
other than God the Father, aka the Eternal Father; the one who initiated the spira-
tion of Charity and all other virtues..  In as much, the most proper human title to
give the second infinite person of existence is God the Son.  This is because all
that is the Father has been generated to the second infinite person of existence.

The second person inherited the Eternal Father's divinity and infinite virtue.
The second person is the sole heir to all which is the Eternal Father.  They
have the exact same spiritual DNA.  The second person then can generate
that which his father sent to him, making him a spiritual father, as opposed
to spiritual mother.  He is a son who can perform the generating acts of a
spiritual father, as opposed to being a daughter who radiates virtue but does
not generate it.

From all eternity, in his consolidated infinite action, the Eternal Father has been
saying, "Let there be light."  God the Son simultaneously responds by saying,
"So be it."  God the Son requites every current of charity and virtue generated
by the Eternal Father back to the same Eternal Father.

Now, the synonym for So-be-it is Amen.  In the Book of Revelations, John the
Apostle records a vision that he had of the Second Person of the Trinity.  In that
vision the second person describes himself as the Great Amen.  After all, he is
the one who, in eternity, said so-be-it to the command, "let there be light."  He
simultaneously let the Will of the first infinite person of existence be fulfilled
in him.

More specifically, the second person of existence requites the charity that the
first person sends him.  In the process, both persons infinitely go through a
transformation which is complete, but eternal.  That is to say,  they are not
presently being transformed.  Rather, they have already been transformed
and are radiating the currents of accomplished transformation.

One God, One Reason for Being

Moreover, being that God is one, there is only one reason for God to have
been inspired enough to exist in the first place.  This reason for God's being
is the second infinite person of all existence.

The Third Infinite Person of all Existence

Even the virtues that are being generate from God comprise a living being.
Firstly, in God their is no lifelessness.  Even God's thoughts are alive in one
being.  The virtues which generate from God the Father and God the Son
are alive.  This is the Holy Spirit.  Properly speaking, the Holy Spirit is the
sum total of every virtue in existence being exchanged being the Father and
the Son.

In light of this, it is not as proper to state that God loves you as much as God
is Charity itself.  In sequence,  God is not merely faithful, as much as God is
fidelity itself.  Therefore, God is Truth & Kindness, endless innocence &
eternal heroism, along with infinite prudence and uncreated wisdom.  God
is also humility, fortitude, temperance, generosity, meekness, and mercy.

All in all, God did not create angels and mankind out of loneliness.  Rather,
God created angels and mankind out of generosity.


Envy is why a 1/3 of the angels rebelled and targeted humanity for eternal destruction.

Author's Preliminary Note:   The prime
reference of the following text is a teach-
ing of the early church martyr, St Ignatius
of Antioch.  A concurrence of this text
comes from 18th Century Dominican
priest, St. Louis of Montfort.  It was
St. Ignatius, in the Year 100, who
coined the title, Catholic Church.

The title commonly used to define the only church that Jesus Christ ever
founded is not a Medieval invention.  The title traces itself to the original
apostles, their immediate successors, and the early church fathers.  As far
as concerns Louis of Montfort, he accentuated the phenomenon where the
Archangel Gabriel was actually making reparation for the Sin of Satan, on
behalf of all the angels, by saluting Mary the way in which Gabriel saluted

The First Creation

Before time began, it was resolved in the mind of God that there would be be-
ings created with intellect and free will.  There would be two general species
created, so that one species would compliment the other one.  It was simultan-
eously resolved that the created beings would possess everlasting existence.
Now, before the creation of time, space, and physical matter, there was the
creation of beings of pure spirit.  This was the first species created in the
image and likeness of God.

These were beautifully created people with extreme agility and talent.  None
the less, a problem was presented by these creatures' existence.  They were
made to exist forever, but each one had to show commitment to the creator,
in order for each one to exist in a state of everlasting of life.  Within the
commitment would be expressions of gratitude and charity.  This was im-
portant, because the alternative for any spirit not transacting in gratitude
and charity was everlasting death. 

The Test

God would reveal to the newly created spirits God's Will, in order to see if
they consented in it, in order to see if they marveled in it, and in order to see
if they looked forward to its completion with anticipation.  Within the divine
will was the intention of God to become a member of God's own creation.
However, it was not a member of the newly created spirit community that
God willed to become.  Rather, God willed to become a member of the next
species to be made.  It was to be a species comprising material existence and
spirit.  It was humanity.

God was already pure spirit and had no desire to be redundant in becoming a
member of a species which was also pure spirit.  God was going to become
man.   In God's will to become man, there was the matter of providing for a
mother.   Being that God would need a mother, one specific woman, yet to
come, was chosen to be the mother of God.  This woman was the central fo-
cal point of God's will.

This woman was the spirits' test, in order to enable them to show fidelity to
God.  All spirits who would be overcome with a sense of delight and/or won-
der and/or compassion over the idea that God would become a member of a
new and foreign creation will have proven their commitment to, and therefore
charity toward, God.  They would have also shown their assent to honoring the
woman destined to be the mother of God.  They would then become instantan-
eously glorified and endowed with eternal life.

The War

Among the newly created spirits were some exceptionally gifted ones.  In fact,
some were created to burn with a white incandescent charity.   These were the
Seraphim.  Now, being exceptionally gifted has a danger to it.   The danger con-
sists in the fact that, the more that is given to you, the more that is expected from

Among the spirits was an exceptionally gifted one of great beauty.   His name
was Light Bearer.   This can be translated into the name, Lucifer.   Lucifer re-
garded his species of creation as the most magnificent thing that anyone could
image.   In fact, Lucifer considered his species to be so magnificent that it would
only be right for God to want to become a member of it  ....  so thought Lucifer.

All that Lucifer had to do was be compassionately moved over the idea of a for-
eign species coming into existence which would include the woman destined to
be the mother of God.  Lucifer did nothing other than become envious over God
wanting to be made human instead of being made spirit all over again.  He simul-
taneously became filled with a seething hatred over the woman destined to come.

Lucifer resolved to rise to glory on his own power.   In sequence, he began a
rebellion within the spirit world, in the attempt to overthrow the Will of God.
However, within the spirit world was another spirit who also was exceptionally
gifted.  His conclusion was a rhetorical question by which he stated, "Who is
like the Lord?"   Translated into Hebrew, "Who is like the Lord" is mi cha el.
The mi cha el spirit made a stance to defend the Heaven which God had cre-
ated.   Other spirits joined him.   This resulted in the first and only World War
of the spirit world. 

The result of that war was that the army of the mi-cha-el spirit won.   In fact, the
result of the spirit war is summarized in the words of Jesus of Nazareth when he
said, "I saw Satan fall from Heaven like a bolt of lightning."

Lucifer, the magnificent creation who comprises pure spirit, had now became the
impure spirit.   A third of the spirit world did also.  In sequence, his lightning style
expulsion from Heaven resulted in of all the lights going out in him who was once
called Light Bearer.   He then became the Prince of Darkness.   The spirit capable
of doing great good had now become the Evil One.  He had now become the Devil. 

The Original Sin

Equal to the former beauty of the Prince of Darkness was his hatred for mankind ...
... even before mankind was created.   No sooner was mankind created than was
the Devil scheming to destroy it.   He started by targeting the first generation
woman whom God created as a gift to the first generation man.

The Devil, symbolically referred to as the ancient serpent, set off to target the
first generation woman.   His quest was to trick her into committing spiritual
suicide.   He figured that,  if he could get mankind to sin,  then God would dis-
own humanity and destroy it.   The Devil would then prevail in his hatred of
mankind, he thought.   This meant that he would never have to see the lady
chosen to one day come into existence and be the mother of God Incarnate.

Now, whatever the exact act was, know that the original sin is something that
can never be done again.   The sin could only be committed while in the pre-
ternatural state;  in the state of man before the original sin rendered him in the
state of vulnerability and mortality.   The eating of the forbidden fruit was sym-
bolic of partaking in something already produced through the knowledge of
good and evil.   The woman was deceived into thinking that she was being
given the path to everlasting life.   She was told that God was an envious liar
who was deliberately keeping her away from glory.

The man for whom the woman was created partook in her sin solely out of a
sense of peer pressure.   He wanted to please his mate.   In addition, mention
that they saw themselves naked, after having committed the original sin, was
symbolic that they had realized that they were stripped of grace.

When God intervened, after mankind's fall from grace, guarantee was made
that there would be an enmity between the offspring of the woman and the
diabolical serpentthat the offspring would crush his head when he would
strike for the offspring's heal.   The very act that the Evil One orchestrated,
in the hope of having mankind destroyed, assured that mankind would have
a savior.   It would now be guaranteed that the woman destined to be the
mother of God would come into existence.    The Devil couldn't thwart the
Will of God.

Take note on how the symbolic image of serpent accentuates the reality of
crushing the Evil One's head.   Thus, the intercepting of the serpent, when the
serpent lunged to inject deadly venom, is the operative image upon which to
reflect.   Holding down the serpent's head is symbolic of keeping evil at bay;
of keeping evil constrained.

The Ensuing State of Affairs

In all the spiritual world there is only one enmity;  one battle line.   It is between
the woman chosen to be the mother of God and the Devil.   To say that the great
enmity is between God and the Devil is to make the Devil an equal of God.   God
is infinite and incomparable.   The Devil is finite and he fools himself.   The apo-
calyptic enmity is between the Mother of God Incarnate and the Devil.   In fact,
she is also the Queen of Angels, meaning that she influences the actions and re-
solutions of those spirits who were created before she was.

The pertinence to this is that the Devil is the first person to commit blasphemy
against the woman destined to blossom with immaculate love for God.   Such a
thing is defamation.   In refusing to honor this woman, the Devil committed a sin
against God which required reparation.   That reparation would be made one day
by a spirit named Gabriel when he would say before the destined woman, "Hail, 
full of grace.   The Lord is with You.   You are the most blessed among all 
women."   The Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of Reparation.   The act of re-
paration made by Gabriel became the foundation stone of the New Testament.

Patrick Pontillo


The Sin of Cooperation: We all go to Hell, together

Hell is filled with people who never thought they'd go there.

Rhetorical Question:  How many people in Nazi Germany thought themselves to have
been good, wholesome, and upstanding citizens contributing to the good of the Father-
land, when the fact was that they were being nothing more than criminal accomplices,
bringing the wrath of the allies upon them so badly that Germany would be turned in-
to a facsimile of the heavily cratered moon? 

As of New Year's 2014, the Obama administration remained vehement in getting Cath-
olic employers to violate Humanae Vitae, and supply for their employees that which is
taught in the Catholic faith as a sin of murder.  Now, people see that Oprah was wrong 
when she said that Obama was "the one."  People also see that he's not the Antichrist.                         None the less,  Obama's vice president picked up the baton of death and had his ad-                           ministration run with it.  Running with that baton is like running with a lit stick of                            dynamite.  Their political party has been the party of death for decades.

Concerning this, the Republican TEA party economy makes it difficult to raise a child.
Thus, the people who act all-so-self-righteous do more to tempt people into abortion
and artificial contraception than anyone else in America.  The hypocrisy is deafening.

Despite its platform that supports sins against justice, the Republican Party is the par-
ty of choice for American Catholics, simply because of the Democratic abortion plat-
form.  Today's American Catholics of financial influence are too cowardly and lazy
to start a much needed new political party.  Both major parties in America support
mortal sins that we are expected to support with our cooperation.  So, Catholics in
American get to go to Hell with the political hypocrites who are nothing more than
leeches vying for campaign re-election money which will make them cow-tow to
their funders' whims.  Thus, one will support abortion and the other will support
anti-immigration legislation, medical pricing gouging, sweatshop profiteering,
sins against ecology, military bankruptcy spending, and anti-disability legisla-
tion, as well as anything that antagonizes the moral theology of Distributive
Justice, as well as Economic Justice.

The first thing that must stop is the sin of defraudment of  laborers of their wages,
in the form of sweatshop imports, due to the enormous Trade Balance Deficit that
it caused, resulting in 5 million lost jobs and 60,000 lost manufacturing operations
in the United States.  This issue is as current as the riots in Cambodia, where ex-
tremely underpaid garment workers rioted and where police shot at them, killing
a few in the process.

Also, American income disparity among Americans must end.  Some workers in
the U.S. are so underpaid that the federal government must provide food stamps,
in order for them to go to work to make a few extremely wealthy.

Providing artificial contraceptives doesn't procure any kind of justice.  It merely
encourages sins against the 6th Commandment.
The Nine Ways in Which One Can Be an Accessory to the Sins of Others

     1. By counsel.               2. By command.              3. By consent.
     4. By provocation.        5. By praise or flattery.    6. By concealment.
     7. By partaking.            8. By silence.                  9. By defense of the ill done.

      The Sin of Cooperation is synonymous with the Sin of Accessory.  It's equally
       synonymous with being an accomplice to the sins of another.  There are many
       accomplices in Hell.  These were the ones who empowered dictators, pillage-
       minded war lords, price gougers, good ole boy networks, sweatshop profiteers,
       robber barons, and those who sought to legalize sins as deadly as intentional
       abortion.  These were the Yes Men of Evil, empowering the manipulators who
       would have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished without the cooperation of

       Of course, many of the many were accomplices, because they were cowards,
       if not in love with the evils that the manipulators sought to have legalized, in-
       stitutionalize, and accommodated.  Even those who did the manipulating were
       cowards, in that they had to leech off of the acts of others, in order to prevail
       in evil. 

       Most accomplices are cowards who succumbed to peer pressure.  You don't
       have to be one of them.  In fact, if you happen to claim that your sins are far
       too great to be forgiven, the fact that you're not dead and Hell is evidence that
       you're presently being carried by the Mercy of God.  Thus, your sins aren't too
       great to be forgiven, per se.  God is enduring them as you read.  Only you have
       the power to turn your sins into the unforgivable state, simply by pushing away
       the Holy Spirit, the forgiver of Sins.

       All in all, you would already be in Hell if your sins were unforgivable.  You are
       still able to take advantage of this mercy and then to start having mercy on God.
       A person has mercy on God by ceasing his/her mortal sins, and even by making
       reparation for the sins of others.  This includes the Sin of Cooperation.

       The ceasing of mortal sin is a grace from God.  You're always welcomed to ask
       such a grace ... no matter what you have done .... and you may always pray to
       Jesus.  In fact, in the Law of Grace, the greater be the sinner, the greatest is that
       person's right to mercy.  Christ paid dearly for your dose of mercy, ahead of time.

    I} Part 3, Section 1, Chapter 1, Article 8 of the Official Catholic Catechism states. 
        But no one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law which
        are written in the conscience of every man. 

   II} Jesus was quoted in the Gospels as having said, "Those who deny me before
         men I will deny before my Father."  One can deny Christ by denying his

  III} As was mentioned in the Book of the Apocalypse, every damnation is a matter
         of being deceived by the Devil.  St. John exactly described the eternally damned
         as those who were deceived as such.  This deception consists in fanatics stripping
         away natural instinct from people, in an politically activist Orwellian way.

 IV} As was mentioned in the Book of James (4:17), one who knows the right thing
         to do, yet neglects to do it, sins.  Such as a thing is known as a Sin of Omission.
         It's also known as a Sin of Negligence.  In addition, Pius XII's edition of moral
         theology mentioned the existence of the Sin of Inconsiderateness. 

   V} As was stated in the Gospel of Luke (12:48), much will be required of the per-
         son entrusted with much.  Yet more will be demanded of the person entrusted
         with more.  Therefore, bishops are judged far more severely than the laity.

  VI} Vatican II expressly stated that the nature of the church on earth is militancy.
          In fact, the Baltimore Catechism and other catechisms identify the church on
         earth as the Church Militant.  This involves what St Paul referred to as fighting
         the good fight ... as is striving to have good prevail over evil.  To neglect this
         duty is to be immersed in sins of negligence, aka sins of omission.  To neglect
         this duty is to eventually be immersed in Hell, a place where one is disjointed
         for all eternity, while living the paradox of being one step behind eternity, in
         having no rhythm to his/her existence.

 VII} Pope Paul VI stated that, if you want peace you must work for justice.  This in-
         sight actually came from the Book of Isaiah, where Kindness begets Truth and
         fairness (justice) begets peace.  If you remain silent to injustice, cooperating with
         it all the while, you will have the same destiny as those who instigated and prolif-
         erated the injustices.  Such as were the cases with the citizens of Nazi Germany,
         Imperial Japan, and the racist Confederate South of the United States. 


     The Children of Fatima saw a vision of Hell and were instantaneously terrified at it's
     sight.  St. Teresa of Avila saw a vision of Hell too, yet she said that it was her great-
     est gift, being that it served the function of a life-changing wake-up call.  Both Saint
     Teresa and the children of Fatima saw humans souls falling into Hell with the velocity
     of snowflakes.
                                               The Roll Call of Hell

There are numerous souls in Hell who found out too late that their fellow humans aren't
toys to abuse.  They simultaneously found out that God isn't a make-believe fairy tale.
The same souls found out that complying with the impulses of human conscience, as is
universally written in the human heart by the Eternal God, is not something optional.

The same eternally damned people learned far too late that morality is not a mere matter
of opinion, either.  To top off the Roll Call of the Eternally Damned are those who could
neither control their senses nor place their temperaments in check.

Fatima seer Jacinta Martos stated before her death, "Souls go to Hell for sins of the 
flesh more than any other reason."  In as much, according to St Benedict of Nursia,
the Father of Western Monasticism, the #1 goal in the True Catholic Way (and not the
impostor way) is that of conquering your cravings.  In as much, a person who occasion-
ally fasts on either water, herbal teas, vegetable broths, bread, or bland foods is a per-
son far more adaptable and far more giving than other people.  This is also a person
far more perceptive, wielding fortitude and self-control with much more prowess than
others.  Those who don't occasionally fast are numb in their perceptions and are easily

       Mercy is only Bestowed upon those who Bestowed Mercy on Others

Shortly before WWII, Christ said to Blessed Faustina Kolwaska that a person must
perform one type of mercy or another in this life, in order to receive mercy from Christ
in the next one.  Thus, the merciless always go to Hell.

      The Sin of Presumption is so Prevalent that it Screeches throughout Hell

Within the Roll Call of Hell are also those who lived the lie that their future sins were al-
ready forgiven and that God was "going to let them slide", because preachers told them
that they were "saved."  This belief is known as the sin of presumption, as in presuming
that God's mercy already resulted in the remission of sin.  In fact, presumption is nothing
more than laziness.  The fact is the Christ came to save his people from their sins.  If you
continue to engage in habitual mortal sin, then you've been saved from nothing. 

               Complying with Peer Pressure:  Another Sure Way to Hell

As was previously stated, also in endless torment are those who succumbed to peer
pressure and became guilty of the sin of cowardice.  In their cowardice, they became
merciless to someone whom they could have helped in life, but refused to assist, due to
their succumbing to peer pressure   These people usually say, "I was only following 
orders."   We proceed

Mortal Sin:  It's Spiritual Suicide.  A Sinner:  It's a person who loves evil and then
transforms into the evil loved.  Those deepest in Hell are those most successful at hav-
ing gotten other people to cooperate with their sins.  Such a thing is always an element
of tyranny.  Tyranny is always lawlessness.

The sin of cooperation involves the phenomenon of Social Scandal, otherwise known as
Corporate Sin.  Now, corporate sin does not limit itself to cooperating with the sins of
corporate executives.  Corporate means body, and a corporate sin is any sin that ends
up being permeated throughout all of a body politic.  It's one that is legalized, institution-
alized, and accommodated in society.  The Chattel Slavery of the American Confederate
South is an example of a social sin, as is the mass murder of  Gypsies, Jews, the mentally
impaired, the physically disabled, and dissident journalists under Nazi German rule.

Other examples include Oliver Cromwell's persecution of Irish Catholics, the apartheid
of South Africa, Japan's rape of Nanking, Mao's persecution of the Tibetan culture, and
of course, the labor camp system of modern China that resulted in workers committing
suicide, threatening suicide, etc.  Add to this the legalized form of adultery known as di-
vorce and remarriage, other forms of sexual anarchy, elective abortion, the desecration
of Sunday in heavily christened populations, other forms of sins against ecology, and the
various types of price gouging.

To cooperate with a corporate sin is to accommodate and institutionalize a sin as if it
were a civil right.  To cooperate with social scandal is to act as if accommodating it is
a duty to God.  Such cooperation occurs in the workplace, as one's job description. 

The Sin of Cooperation, as it Applies to the Message of Fatima

The Sin of Cooperation was the essence of the Fatima message, in as far as concerned
a statement Sr. Lucia was once quoted as having allegedly said.  This quote came years
before Bertone and Sodano took seats of power at the Vatican and decided to revise
the entire Fatima message to their convenience.  Therefore, the pre-Sodano quote has
an element of reliability and credibility attached to it.  Sr. Lucia Martos was once quot-
ed as having said, "We'll either be damned together or we'll be saved together."
In as much, being damned together consists in being an accomplice to each other's sins.

The Sin of Cowardice

In order to understand how the sin of cooperation operates in the human mind, consider
the following rhetorical question:  How many citizens of the Nazi regime regarded them-
selves as good, wholesome, and upstanding citizens faithfully upholding the Fatherland,
when in reality, they were provoking the destruction that was soon to be hurled upon the
sum total of Germany, by the allied forces and the underground saboteurs?

As was previously mentioned, you need to understand that all occasions of damnation
consist in being deceived by the Devil.  In the Book of the Apocalypse, St. John refers
to the Eternally Damned in this way.  In as much, consider how many violent practices
occurred under the guise of being the new enlightenment ... a new dawning ... the new
Springtime.  For example, Christians died as a result of the Arabian Spring of 2011.  In
Nazi Germany, Crystal Night was a collective crime.  Yet, it was seen as the cleansing
of Germany.  It was the opposite thereof.

The same Book of Revelations (the Apocalypse) mentions that cowardice is a sin,
at its 21st Chapter:  Now, as for cowards, the unfaithful, the depraved, murder-
ers, the unchaste, sorcerers, idol-worshipers, and deceivers of every sort, their
lot is in the burning pool of fire and sulfur, which is the second death. (verse 8
Incidentally, being frightened to death doesn't make you a coward.  Running away
when you are needed does.  In fact, as is seen in certain pampered political opera-
tives, cowards can be bullies ... until they are put to the test.  Hell is for bullies,
none the less. 

Letting Evil Flourish is a Sin of Cooperation

It was stated in a recent century that the only reason why evils flourish is because
the good do nothing to stop them from spreading.  However, the moment when
you refuse to help stop an evil, it immediately turns you from good to evil.  Such
a thing is a sin of negligence.  Such a thing is a sin of omission.  This is cowardice.

Pontius Pilate's sin was a basically a sin of cowardice.  He cowardly succumbed
to envious religious leaders in Jerusalem who held a jeering mob on puppet strings,
despite the fact that, days earlier, the same people of Jerusalem were welcoming
Jesus in triumph, laying out a trail of palm branches for him.

Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer are not worth anyone's eternal damnation.  So,
why be their puppets, in their obsession with elective abortion?  Marcial Maciel
Degollado and his principle accomplice, Angelo Sodano, weren't worth eternal
damnation, either. So, why would Ratzinger have succumbed in being an accom-
plice to those two priests' sins?  Neither was Adolph Hitler worth damnation, as
if an entire nation should have followed him ... directly into Hell.  In fact, lazy
priests of recent decades who wanted all the commercial outlets to be opened
on Sunday (in regions where such a thing was unheard-of) aren't worth the
damnation, either.  So too is this the case with those who profit from foreign
sweatshop labor.  Why go to Hell for people locked in clinch-fist greed and
who have no intention to share their immorally acquired wealth with you?
Why cooperate with something that will send you to Hell forever? 

Delineating the Cooperation of Evil

There is Formal Cooperation and then there is Material Cooperation.  It's the
Formal Cooperation that incurs sin.  In this era of lax and pampered priests, it
is expected to find the majority of them giving an excuse for every form of co-
operation, including the Sin of Apostasy of Ancient Rome, when a Christian
was excommunicated for tossing incense into a pincer, in worship of the em-
peror, lest he be martyred for refusing to do so.  However, the Gospel  gives
a decisive example of cooperating with evil:  Pontius Pilate.  To him Jesus
said,  "The one who handed me over to you is the one with the greater sin."
Therefore, Christ didn't excuse Pilate.  He stated that Pilate was in the pro-
cess of committing a sin.

In reality, the Scribes and Pharisees were committing the greater sin in push-
ing Pilate to do their evil for them.  Pilate let himself be a puppet on the strings
of envious Scribes & Pharisees who wanted Jesus dead for ousting the
money-changers from the temple Herod had gotten people to rebuild.

Incidentally, the previous Gospel passage shows that the Protestant claim that
God sees all sin as the same is a complete lie.  Protestant after protestant stat-
ed that God sees no difference between murder and stealing a dollar from a
billionaire.  Well, there are varying degrees of sin, according to the Gospels.
In sequence, there are varying degrees of eternal damnation.  Likewise, there
are varying degrees of glory in Heaven.  However, the Protestant view of
Heaven is the Marxist Communist view, where everyone is the same pre-
dictable man in the gray flannel suit ... with the exception perhaps being
the stereotypical TV evangelist wearing a bad pompadour hairdo toupee. 

Concerning the sin of Cooperation

The one who initiates the sin is the "principle agent."  He is the one guilty of
the greater sin, but his formal cooperators are guilty of sin none the less.  Furth-
ermore, if the sin could not materially be committed without the cooperation of
you, and if you are an "immediate agent," you are in formal cooperation.  You
have sinned.  You're damnation will be as immediate if you have no intention
on changing things.

Sin begins in the heart, and not in the senses.  A person's intent can make the sin
of cooperation an act of formal cooperation.  After all, a sinner is a person who
loves evil.  Thus, if you love what is transpiring, no matter what your degree of
cooperation might be, then you are formally cooperating with the sin transpiring.

Official moral theology differentiates cooperators as those who are immediate
and those who are mediate.  Mediate cooperators are those situated somewhere
down the assembly line of the sin transpiring.  They are not front & center,
conducting a chorus of evil.

Consideration of the Sin of Cooperation is an exceptionally important matter.
This is the essence of the Fatima message, and it applies to one of the five
blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  The fifth blasphemy is
the act of dissuading children from embracing devotion to Mary and in seek-
ing to have people hold public contempt for her.  Such a blasphemer is act-
ively attempting to get children to be accomplices to his/her hatred of Mary.
Thus, he/she is the principle agent in this sin.

Incidentally, the Born-again 700 Club world held the most infernal hatred for
the Virgin Mary I have ever witnessed in my life, and it was the "church ladies"
who held the most seething contempt for her.  They were obviously envious of
Mary, as if they were the wicked step sisters and she were Cinderella.  Well, the
Virgin Mary is not a fairy tale.

The Sin of Cooperation is also paramount in the Nuremberg Trials.  Defendants
there continually pleaded that they were "just following orders."  This defense
was adjudged as no excuse for cooperating with the crimes of Nazi Germany.

The Sin of Cooperation was the end of Sodom.  It involved complete compliance
with one habitual sin.  All of the town, excecp for Lot's family, was contributory
to this sin.  This made it impossible for there to be ten just men in the city, so as
to assure that God would spare it, as he mentioned to Abraham in whatever type
of mystical dialogue the two entities communicated.

For those unfamiliar, the Old Testament states that God answered a series of ques-
tions that Abraham asked, with the final answer being that God would spare a city
from destruction if only ten just men lived in it.  With the Prophet Jeremiah, it was
merely one just man, when it came to Jerusalem.

When you are cooperating with a Corporate Sin, you are denying Christ before
men.  Now, God the Father only recognizes in a human the qualities that he re-
cognizes in his own son.  In as much, going to Hell consists in God and Christ
saying, "I don't know you."  Thus, all going to Hell consists in being deceived
by the Devil and becoming an entirely unrecognizable foreign entity to God
and the angels. 

The Alleged Vatican II Con Game

At the guest cottage of a Trappist Monastery, a monsignor who co-authored Unit-
ed States bishop statements told me that the Vatican policy at the time was this:

What the laity doesn't know won't hurt it.  Therefore, according to my Vatican-re-
lated source (during a Trappist Monastery conversation), John Paul II elected to
not speak out against certain Social Sins, because, if he did, the laity would be
bound by conscience to disassociate themselves with the social sins.  This would
logically mean that, as long as the laity would be kept in the dark about sins to
which they were cooperating, they would not guilty of the sins ... according to
the Vatican's mind set during the John Paul regime/tenure/administration/papacy.

Now, at the time, it was hard to believe that the Vatican would honor a policy that
perpetuated evil and kept the laity ignorant.  However, in the case of Maciel, Vati-
can bank scandals, and the widespread clergy abuse scandal, it was a plausible al-
legation, coming from a very articulate and relatively young monsignor.  This
particular monsignor was classy and not pretentious about it.

Now, John Paul II vaguely hinted on two known occasions about the sin of co-
operation.  But, he didn't have the laity take action to end such sin, in specificity.
The visiting monsignor made mention of material cooperation as if it were a loop-
hole that would spare the laity of eternal damnation.   The response to this is ob-
vious, even if the monsignor did not tell me the truth about the implied Vatican

The most famous scriptural passage concerning this is found at Hosea, at C. 4, V 6:
My people perish for want of knowledge!   Since you have rejected  knowledge, 
I will reject you from my priesthood.   Since you have ignored the law of your 
God, I will also ignore your sons.  One and all, they sin against me, exchang-
ing their glory for shame"

Plus, in a locution (a supernatural vision of words only) Christ spoke to Bless-
ed Alan of La Roche during a Mass, saying, "How can you crucify me again
so soon?  You  crucified me once before by your sins and I would willingly be
crucified again rather than have my Father offended by the sins you used to
commit.  You are crucifying me anew, because you have all of the learning
and understanding that you need to preach my mother's Rosary, yet you are
not doing so.  If you only did this, you could teach many souls that right path
and lead them away from sin  -  but you are not doing it and so,  you yourself
are guilty of the sins  that they commit."

The essence of the sin of cooperation is:  "You're guilty of the sins they commit."

Concerning the unconscionable entities in the present church, they will chirp out
that they are only in material cooperation with present evils, and therefore, are
justified in their cooperation with said evils.  Well, the first moment when you
know that an evil is transpiring, your conscience becomes placed on notice.
Unconscionable priests fail to realize that, at the very least, they are guilty of
cowardice and negligence, in declining to oppose the corporate sins in their
societies; those such as slave labor merchandise importation.

Plus, the material wrath of God will materially visit them, when the wrath is
launched.  Even those in material cooperation during the Nazi regime had the
bombs from British Lancasters hurl down upon them night after night after
night afer night.  In fact, it was not only those in formal cooperation with Im-
perial Japan's sins who found themselves immersed in the firestorm of Tokyo.
Those only in the state of material cooperation burned to death , too.

In discerning if a corporate sin involves the laity's formal cooperation of it, an-
swer the following:

1} Is the evil institutionalized to the point of being an habitual part of society,
     whereas it is accommodated and regarded as a civil right?  2} Is it possible
     to end the evil with societies' boycott of it?  3} Does the society know that
     it's occurring?

Society must make the effort to end any known corporate sin, or its people be-
come guilty of at least the sin of omission.  In their silence, the present bishops
have been engaged in sins of cooperation that will send the wrath of God rock-
eting throughout the societies where the corporate sins flourished.  The wrath
will consume the criminally negligent bishops who profiteered from sins to
which they remained silent.  They benefitted through tax-free collection bask-
et proceeds and through corporate donations.

People who make money through corporate sin sometimes toss a few dollars or
a check into an occasional collection basket.  For a priest to accept such money
is for him to accept blood money, especially when the money came from corpor-
ate entities who habitually suck the blood of severely underpaid sweatshop em-
ployees.  The vengeance of God will eventually be at each negligent priest's rec-
tory door step.

In the 1970's, the typical Gort Smith Arkansas seamstress made $14 an hour, ac-
cording to a payroll clerk who once worked there.  Recently, Latin American
women sewed various NFL jerseys for pennies per jersey.

You can attend church all you want.  But, if you go to a job that requires you to
be an accomplice to at least one mortal sin, you are living a lie.  You are the ser-
vant of mortal sin.  Sin therefore defines your income and Hell will be your final
paycheck.  In as much, there were specific reasons for the Virgin Mary's interven-
tion at Quito, La Salette, Fatima, and Akita.  Life isn't a joke.  There are serious
consequences in the end.

Do you really think that God will bless any home gotten through money made by
cooperating with a sin?  God gave no such blessing to the homes of Nazi Germany.
Instead, that nation was turned into a land of bomb craters and massive wreckage.

In similar fashion, God gave no such blessing to an Imperial Japan that was utterly
decimated by the Americans.  This included decimated homes purchased through
employee income that contributed to Imperial Japan's crimes.

Do not be deceived.  God is not mocked.  Neither mocked are those who were vic-
timized by the corporate sins to which you cooperated.  If you want peace, you
must first establish justice (fairness.)  The lack of justice yields the destiny of
damnation.  If you go to Hell, it means that you were a living Hell to others in
this life.  Not helping those who were victimized by your own sins of coopera-
tion made you a living Hell to those you refused to help.  As St. James wrote,
those who see good to be done and do not do it sin.  You can read all the kissy-
poo Vatican II devotional books you want.  If you don't cease your sin of co-
operation, all will be for naught.

There's an interesting thing about those who don't want to hear about Hell.  Hell
is an extremely loud place a person there hears forever.  Ironically, those who do
n't want to hear about Hell will hear it forever.  In fact, there is the type of person
who figures that his/her actions are not sins, simply because God didn't immediate-
ly hurl lightning bolts upon that person after the person committed sinful actions.
Such a person follows nothing more than animal instinct.

The lingering presence of elective abortion proves that all church leaders of recent
years were complete failures who refused to do what was necessary to end a sin that
cries to Heaven for vengeance.  Being that they are poor leaders, they should be re-
moved from office and replaced with people who won't be dead weights in the aisles
of the church.

Included in the list of corporate sin and social scandal is the commercial retail
desecration of Sunday in populations that were christened.  The sin of Sabbath
Desecration is a sin against ecology.  The sin of Sabbath Desecration is the main
issue in the message of La Salette  . . .  in the apparition which prophesied the
agricultural disasters of 19th Century Europe, as in the potato famine, the wheat
crop failures, and the grape crop failures.  The La Salette message applies to the
modern world as much as it applied to mid-Ninteenth Century Europe, because
God is changeless.  The God of the 19th
Century is the same God of today.

If you don't want to remain on modern society's death march to Hell, stop march-
ing in that direction.  After all, it's embarrassing to go to Hell on account of suc-
cumbing to peer pressure.  Nerd boys do that.  The La Salette article linked below
will help a bit.  However, if you're a innate coward, as in the type mentioned in St
John's Apocalypse, then nothing will help you at all, until you surgically remove
the propensity to cowardice.

A tip on doing so goes as follows We all get scared in similar situations.  Cowards
run, while the heroes go about their tasks, despite feeling intense dread.  Heroes have
an element of inspiration absent in cowards, and they don't have self-centered tunnel
vision.  Cowards only think of themselves.