
Anti-Catholicism Today: That which exists in the American Government

May 7th, 1844.  Anti-Catholicism is very traditional in America.  Some things never change.
I previously mentioned that the Catholic Church was utterly hated in White Anglo-Saxon Protestant America from the start of Anglo-America.  The hatred resulted in a riot during a Christmas Midnight Mass, in 1806.  In fact, in 1785, Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Parish was forbidden to build its parish church within the New York city limits.  

The hatred then transferred itself into the Know-Nothing Party of the 1840s which was originally called the Native American Party and then the American Party.  When the middle 1860s came, the KKK took the baton and went full anti-Catholic.  

In as much, if you happen to be as seethingly anti-Catholic as is Kamala "the Mass Murdering Baby Killer" Harris who is obsessed with forcing Roman Catholics to pay for abortions, then you are one with the KKK.  If this is the case, then you are also sick.  In fact, if you are one with Kamala and the KKK, you need to remember this one phrase;  Nuremberg American Style.   Factory Line Mass Murder never goes unpunished.

When it is not a matter of saving the physical life of the mother, abortion is the coldest blooded form of murder, inflicted upon the most helpless of humanity.  This means that it's performed by and through the most gutless of cowards and by the most psychopathic of bullies who pick-on the tiniest people in the room

Next came the 20th Century.  In America, there were "Born-again," "I'm-saved," Baptists who believed that all Roman Catholics were literally possessed by the Devil.  Therefore, the most asinine & out-of-touch-with-reality thing that came from the FBI was the "Traditional Catholic" memo which came out of the Richmond Office.  This is because the right-winged praise-the-Lord Baptist extremists have a seething hatred for all that is Catholic, especially Traditional Catholicism where the church services are spoken in Latin.

Traditional Catholics and the Praise-the-Lorders are diametrically opposed to each other.  Perhaps you've heard of something called "the Catholic & Protestant Wars."  In as much, traditional Catholics and the right-wing "Praise the Lord" group will NEVER team up with each other.  In fact, if you ever want to "ward off" a Born-again, Evangelical, praise-the-Lorder, start speaking Latin.  The Born-againer will flee.  In fact, wear the t-shirt of any saint whose feast day was not turned into a joke, as was the case with St. Patrick.

Finally, there is significance that the FBI Anti-Catholic memo came out of the Richmond office.  Richmond was the Capital of the Johnny Reb Confederacy, and the Johnny Rebs seethingly hated Catholicism in the 1860s, as much as Kamala Harris hates Catholics today, in her blatant disrespect for people who respect life.  Anti-Catholicism is a very traditional American practice and some things never change.

Concerning the Biden Administration TARGETING as the enemy of mankind the Catholic Church and Donald Trump, a question arises.  Question:  What do Donald Trump and the Catholic Church have in common?  ANS:  They are both pro-life.  The Biden People simply hate life, and want to extinguish it as much as they can.  So, they go after Catholicism, the pro-life religion, and Donald Trump, the pro-life candidate of 2024.

And of course, there is an asininity to regarding & categorizing Traditional Catholics as being on the fringe.  This is because that which these Traditional Catholics do is that which the entire Roman Catholic Church was doing since the time of Charles Martel and even Charlemagne ... and even during the time of the Merovingian Dynasty.  And of course, from the Year 480 or so until 1967 or so, the rites of the Catholic Church were done in the traditional way.  Moreover, for consecutive centuries, the Roman Catholic Church was the center of mainstream life, existing right out in the open.  There was nothing fringe about it.

Were any of the Richmond FBI agents and assessors ever fired or demoted or disciplined or ordered to go to psychiatrists?  After all, you have to be crazy to come up with the conclusions that they did.  You've got to be totally nuts.  

At the very least, you have to have been very limited in your history studies.  That's a sign of laziness and a very dull personality.  That's also the sign of someone easily deceived, in him not being the least bit concerned as to how we got here, to the state of affairs where we find ourselves.  And of course, if you want to know how we arrived at our present political state, simply follow history.  It's equivalent to following the Yellow Brick Road.

Now, observe how much hatred has been generated by the Biden Administration People:

Below:  Josh Hawley speaks of the FBI raid performed with long guns upon a Catholic family comprising 5 children, two of whom were too small to be deadly.  Perhaps the heavily armed FBI agents thought that the children were going to throw Teddy Bears at them,. thereby severely endagering their lives with too much fluffiness.

Below:  Garrett overruling the FBI field agents, concerning the ridiculously over-the-top raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Largo estate.  This is reflective of the raid on the above-mentioned simple Catholic family.  Donald, himself, is Episcopalian.  That is the American version of the Church of England.

Below:  Director Christopher Wray, FBI Director, being called to accountability by Senator Josh Hawley.  Now, Josh is Protestant.  HOWEVER, he attended a Jesuit school.  Thus, he knows more about Catholicism than the average anti-Catholic FBI agent.

Below:  The Wall Street Journal chimed in on the FBI targeting "traditional" Catholics.


Below:  Anti-Catholic Bigotry Today; the last acceptable form of public bigotry

Below:  A black woman who converted to Catholicism speaks of MODERN Anti-Catholicism.  To this particular black woman, ALL LIVES MATTER.

St Paul's miraculous power, along with his followers' use of 3rd class relics

St. Paul's writings have been used by millions of ... let us politely say ... anti-Catholics, to justify living the life of laziness & selectively retained immoralities.  According to them, St. Paul said that you can do whatever you want and go to Heaven anyway, as long as you proclaim belief in a certain Nazarene whose name has been repeatedly used in vain, on modern movie screens.  

Newsflash:  This just in ===> The exact same St Paul wrote exactly the opposite.  

Example #1:

                  Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? 

                 Do not be deceived; neither fornicators  nor idolaters   nor adulterers 

          nor boy prostitutes  nor sodomites  nor thieves  nor the greedy  nor drunkards 

                        nor slanderers  nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. --- 1 Cor. 6:9

Let it be repeated.  St Paul, the disciplined & self-controlled aesthetic, NEVER wrote that you can commit all the sins you want and still go to Heaven, so long as you express belief in the miraculous Nazarene who was crucified by Roman soldiers.  Yet, an entire religion that kept splintering into "denominations" was founded upon that one premise.  Concerning this overly audacious Biblical interpretation, when Paul wrote that he no longer followed the law, he was referring to the Law of Moses and its many rituals which included animal sacrifice.  He was NOT referring to the moral law.  In fact, he also wrote:

              Now the works of the flesh are obvious:  immorality,  impurity,  licentiousness, 

         idolatry,  sorcery,  hatreds,  rivalry,  jealousy,  outbursts of fury,  acts of selfishness, 

            dissensions,  factions,  occasions of envy,  drinking bouts,  orgies,  and the like.

                    I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things 

                                             will not inherit the kingdom of God.  ---  Galatians, 5:19

Equally important is that Romans 3:28 did NOT state that "Faith alone suffices."  The less than diplomatic Martin Luther added the word, "alone," changing the entire meaning of St. Paul's mission & ministry.  Martin Luther dedicated his beer-drinking (ale-drinking) years to promoting the Sin of Presumption --- the sin of presuming God's mercy. 

Yet today, all of the modern Protestant Bibles omit the "Luther translation," having published instead the Koine Greek version of Romans 3:28 that actually was written by Paul.  That scriptural passage simply stated that a person is justified by having  Faith in the Jewish Messiah of Nazareth without needing to perform the rituals of the Jewish Law of Moses which included animal sacrifice.  The actual translation is:

 For we consider that a person is justified by faith apart from works of the law.  Does God belong to Jews alone?  Does he not belong to Gentiles, too?  Yes, also to Gentiles, for God is one and will justify the circumcised on the basis of faith and the uncircumcised through faith.  --- Romans 3:28

In electing to revert to fidelity in the Koine Greek version of Romans 3:28, Protestant denominations elected to delete Protestantism's thesis statement.  They deleted Protestantism's raison d'etre.  This is tragically ironic, in light of the wars & killings which could have been prevented --- highlighted in the 30 Years War and in Cromwell's genocide of Irish Catholics, as well as in the severely emotional anti-Catholicism of 19th & early 20th Century America.

There is the need of millions of people to quit making a mockery out of Saint Paul's epistles.  Moreover, there is a canonized saint of recent decades who converted from Protestantism.  He famously stated that, the deeper you delve into history, the further you remove yourself from Protestantism.   The exact quote was, "To be deep in history is to cease being Protestant."  His name is John Henry Newman.  All in all, St. Paul ... and Elizabeth Ann Seton ... as well as John Henry Newman ... should be the patron saints of Protestant conversions.  That will work ... really well.

In order to rationalize its existence, Protestantism performed selective amnesia in discarding 1,100+ years of Church history ...  all deleted from the Protestant memory, being that there was no Protestantism on any scene for the first 1,450 years of Christianity.  Protestantism will acknowledge Christianity up to the time of the FIRST Council of Nicaea, in 325 C.E; but not the SECOND Council of Nicaea, in 787.  After the Year 325 comes the amnesia blackout in the mind of Protestantism.

Martin Luther wasn't born until 1,450+ years after the original Pentecost Sunday, when Peter first spoke publicly in the name of Christ.  According to Protestantism, God the Holy Spirit is a liar who was not guiding the believers of Christ for 1450 years.  According to Protestantism, Martin Luther is the Vicar of the Holy Spirit who finally brought the Holy Spirit to mankind.  Protestantism denies the reality of the very sacraments which divert souls from spiritual death and which give souls purpose for being.  Protestantism is the Big Blackout, in several ways.

Now, Protestantism got its beginning by . . . stealing massive amounts of Roman Catholic Church property, in places where they could get away with it . . . and by killing Roman Catholics by the truckload, in places where they could get away with it.  Now, is that any way to start a religion?  Is that any way to start anything?   None the less, Protestantism was largely a geopolitical movement with occasionally unseemly (unexpected allies.)  This meant that Protestantism was a political party.  Then, out of it came religious fanaticism.

All in all, there was NO REFORMATION in the 1500s.  There are only Theft & Murder back then .... and defamation; lots of defamation.  That which was called the Reformation was actually the Great Defamation ... even the defaming of God, in claiming that the Holy Spirit was a liar and a bumbling failure who didn't guide the Church for 1450 years --- in claiming that the Holy Spirit was such a failure that the German ale drinker, Martin Luther, had to replace the Holy Spirit.  

Yeah,  Martin Luther was going to show the Holy Spirit who was boss.  Guess where Martin Luther is at this very moment.  Did you ever study exorcism transcripts?  His name came up, when a possessing devil was ordered by the exorcist to give his name ... to the exorcist, during a 19th Century exorcism.  For the record, damned humans have the capability of possessing a living person as much as a demon.  A demon is a fallen angel.   A devil is a damned human.

Martin Luther died a sudden death (at the age of 62).  He died without the Sacraments of the Church.  He rejected the Sacraments of the Church.  Do the math, here. 

Let us now address the miraculous power of Saint Paul which was somehow transmitted into linens and aprons whenever they touched St. Paul, himself.   Acts 19: 11-12 reads as follows:

                              So extraordinary were the mighty deeds which God accomplished 

                             at the hands of PAUL that, when facial cloths or aprons that 

                            touched his skin were applied to the sick, their diseases left 

                           them and the evil spirits came out of them. 

Now, Acts 19 describes the valid & successful use of Third Class Relics -- or third degree relics.  Such relics are pieces of cloth or other physical items such as paper that are touched to an actual living saint or to the bodily remains of a saint who has already gone into eternity.   

Of course, the Church never declares any living being a saint.  None the less, people in the Church, on occasion, were known for miraculous results to their interactions with others.  It doesn't happen everyday, but it did happen in the very turbulent history of the true church of Christ ... as opposed to a "knock-off" church produced by Henry Tudor, his less-than-friendly daughter, Martin Luther & the politically motivated Elector of Saxony, the Swiss John Calvin, and more recent names who became associated with mass suicide and/or gun battles with federal agents.

Of course, a person who identifies himself as "a born-again Christian" or a Baptist or a Fundamentalist or someone "saved" would call the use of relics the ritualistic act of idolatry.   Well, to declare this is to declare St. Paul a ritualistic idolater.  In fact, it's to call the New Testament ritualistic idolatry.  This is because the use of third-class relics were used to spread Saint Paul's miraculous power.  Therefore, relics are Biblical.  The Catholic tradition of employing saints' relics traces itself back to St. Paul's followers.

The Old Testament gives at least one instance of a miracle involving a First Class Relic --- or first degree relic.  That type of relic is the actual saint, himself; as in a bone fragment, etc.  In the Second Book of Kings, a miracle occurred when a corpse was thrown into the grave of Elijah's prime student and spiritual heir, Elisha. 

2 Kings  13:21

 Once some people were burying a man, when suddenly they saw such a raiding band.  So they cast the man into the grave of Elisha, and everyone went off.  But when the man came in contact with the bones of Elisha, he came back to life and got to his feet.

 Thus, miracles done upon contacting a first class relic IS very Biblical.  So, if you are no-no on relics, then you are also no-no on the Bible, probably unbeknownst to you ... until now.  Now, concerning the Cloak of Elijah:

2 Kings 2:14: 

Wielding the mantle which had fallen from Elijah, he struck the water and said, “The LORD, the God of Elijah—where is he now?”   He struck the water.  It divided, and he crossed over.   Elijah's prime student did this with Elijah's cloak, so stated for the record.

Elijah's Cloak was a Second Class Relic.  A second-class relic is a former physical possession of a saint.  Examples are a writing quill, a walking cane, a favorite chair, an article of clothing, and Elijah's Cloak.   With this comes the conversation of metaphysical power which can be a lengthy topic.  HOWEVER, all angels have a METAPHYSICAL attachment to physical creation, and they perhaps come into the relic schematic, in matters involving second-class relics effecting miracles.

 Of course, Catholics understand that not everything is in the Bible, being that St. John wrote this into his Gospel.  Plus, Paul told his followers to also observe that which he taught them verbally, in addition to whatever written teachings were sent to them.  Verbal teaching is usually called, TRADITION.

Tradition comes from none other than the Latin, TRADITIONEM.  It means to deliver across something ... to hand-over ... to hand down.   The Greek equivalent is parĂ¡dosi̱ which actually means to surrender something to others. 

2 Thessalonians 2:15

                       Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that

                 you were taught, either by an ORAL STATEMENT or by a letter of ours.


Thus, TRADITION --- church teaching that comes from outside of the Bible ---  is Biblical, ironically enough.  The Bible is NOT God.  It's a testimonial to the existence of God and to the mindset of God.  Mindset is understood to be the same as "personality."  Moreover, the Law of God and the Will of God are the exact same thing.  To claim that "everything is in the Bible," is the sin of  IDOLATRY.  It's the worship of the Bible, instead of God.

Moreover, being that God is so infinitely massive, the task of being God cannot be accomplished by merely one person.  It takes three infinite persons to accomplish the mission of being God ... literally.  In as much, in order for God to exist, God can only exist as a multiplicity of Three Individual Persons who share the exact same essence and nature.


Also see:

While we're still here, let's address the claim that it's a sin to call a priest, "father."  After all, Jesus did say to call no one your father, but God the Father.  Well, the Catholic Church does recognize God the Father to be the Unmoved Mover ... and the Uncatalyzed Catalyst ... who authored life and wrote the blueprint of the only Church ever founded by his only Begotten Son.  The use of the name, father, as it applies to priests, has a lesser meaning of the word.  And that practice came from St. Paul, himself.   In the FIRST Letter to the Thessalonians, Chapter 2, verses 10 to 12, Saint Paul wrote:

                               You are witnesses, and so is God, how devoutly,  justly,                                                                       and blamelessly we behaved toward you believers.

              As you know, we treated each one of you as a FATHER treats his children,  
            exhorting and encouraging you, while insisting that you conduct yourselves 
                      as worthy of the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory.
The conclusion is that calling a priest "Father" IS BIBLICAL.  Case Closed.  Catholic haters lose.  The bottom line is that some people think that they know the mind of God & the Will of God, when the fact is that they are clueless.  Concerning people who don't read the Bible at all, they are more talented at insulting a person's intelligence.  Each example of this would be an article of its own.  
None the less, the aforementioned shows --- at face value --- that the Biblical Paul --- the author of multiple epistles --- had a significant influence upon the ordinary practices of the Catholic Church.  Catholic haters are not willing to admit this.  The Catholic Church was the first Christianity.  It will be the last Christianity, also.
C'est tout, pour maintenant.


In response to the claim that the Catholic Church hid the Bible from humanity and ignores it in its doctrine:

A broken electrical line sends zero electricity to its needed destination.
A broken line that separates the people from the 2,000 year old line of
apostolic succession is the same type of dead line.  In fact, it's arrogant
to claim that God personally commissioned you to suddenly start your
own church 2,000 years after the original apostles started Christianity.

To make such a claim is to claim yourself greater than all of the original
apostles.  You're saying that the Church they started was worthless.  With-
out the apostolic succession that dates back to Day 1 of Christianity, name-
ly Pentecost Sunday, there is neither truth nor sacramental grace nor any
form of salvation.  There's only a lie that gets unfolded at death.

Life is simple.  Only impostors make it confusing.  Let us continue:

It's the same old American ... and also from the nether regions of the human
mind ... squeal out that the "Papist Church" was the great oppressor who hid
the Bible from all humanity, never applying the Bible to Church doctrine.

Of course, this hysteria was most spoken in those venues known for chattel
slavery, lynch mobs, white hooded cross burners, pelagra, moonshining, in-
breeding, low wages, low S.A.T. scores, Jim Crowe, gerrymandering, murder-
of the Michigan Freedom Riders, and plotting the assassination of Abraham

To those people, Rome was seen as a hostile foreign entity.  That is to say,
anti-Catholicism is largely anti-Italianism.
Now, concerning the claim that Catholics have nothing to do with the Bible, and
that the Catholic Church oppressively hid the Bible from humanity, take note:

The Bible was and is recited daily and repeatedly throughout the Catholic Church,

1) the Mass, 2) the Liturgy of Hours.

This means that the Bible was and still is quoted at 1) Matins, 2)  Prime,
3) Terce, 4) None, 5) Vespers, 6) Compline . . . and even at the Midnight
Office.  Usually, it's  between 3:40 am to 7:30 pm or so, EVERYDAY ...

. . . as well as two times at weekday Mass and three times at Sunday Mass.

News Flash:  The official prayer of the Roman Catholic (and not the papist)
Church is the Office ... the Liturgy of Hours.  Monasteries have to pray it at
least five times a day.  All priests are to pray the Office daily.  Thus, the 150
Psalms, as well as the Book of Proverbs, etc. are the major source of prayer
in the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church doesn't ignore the Bible, and it did NOT hide the Bible
from the Europeans of the Middle Ages or Renaissance Era.  The Catholic
Church is far more Biblical in its orientation than that of Anglo American
Protestantism.  After all, Protestantism ignores the fact that Christ said that
he who "puts away his wife and takes on another one commits adultery."
It also ignores, "Faith without good works is dead faith."  BOTH things
are graphically stated in the Bible.

The aforementioned is merely a brief example of how Protestantism has
regularly ignored Biblical passages throughout the ages.

In addition, the Catholic Church heavily advocates meditating on the mysteries
of the Rosary.  These are events in the life of Christ, his mother, and his church.
There are presently 20 mysteries of the Rosary.  Eighteen of these are expressly
found in the Bible.  Thus, the Catholic Church advocates meditating on events
conveyed in the Bible.

Incidentally, Protestant denominations of the darker regions of Anglo America
call church railings something that they're not.  They call them altars.  What they
call "an altar call" is merely a walk to a railing.  Altars are for offering sacrifices.
Protestantism has no such concept of offering sacrifices.

In Protestantism, no altars exist and no priesthood vestments exist, outside of
the Anglican and Episcopalian denominations.  Only worldly business suits are
worn by high income-bearing TV figures who dress like bankers.  They are part
banker and part con artist, making up a religion that suits them ... pun intended.

The Sea of Galilee

Of course, some of the TV and radio preachers think that repulsively screaming
out Bible passages in a teeth-gritted fashion reflects a God who is gentle enough
to have created starlight, flowers, butterflies, humming birds, and streams.  This
means that when these types of TV and radio evangelists scream out their heresies
with Bible in hand, they blaspheme God twice over, disfiguring the face of the
God of Kindness.

Isaiah (or his disciples after his martyrdom) wrote that, when the Messiah comes
"not a crushed reed will he break, nor a fading wick will he extinguish.  The
Book of Isaiah illustrates the gentleness of God.

The more obnoxious versions of TV and radio evangelists present a false image
of God.  They cause people to hold animosity toward what they falsely assume is
Christianity.  Of course, Protestantism is a mockery of Christianity.

Q: What does Protestantism mean?   ANS:  It means to protest..
Q: Protest against what?        ANS:  To protest against the Catholic Church.

Q: What is this Catholic Church which is despised?  How much older is it
      than Protestantism?  ANS:  The Catholic Church is the first Christianity,
      and it was first called the Catholic Church in the Year 100 CE (AD) by
      the martyr Ignatius of Antioch.  The Catholic Church is not a Medieval
      Invention.  It is 1,500 years older than Protestantism.

Q:  At the least, Protestantism protested against the Catholic Church of 1517.
      Didn't the Catholic Church change a lot since the Ancient Roman days?

ANS:  No.  The Catholic doctrine of 1517 was the exact same in 60AD, when
           the Didache was the prevalent teaching.  The Didache was the original
           teaching of the original Apostles and Judas' replacement, Matthias.

Catholic doctrine was the same in 620 AD, 1020AD, and even 1420 AD.  To
be Protestant is to object to 1,500 years of Catholicism; not the Catholicism
of 1517.   Being that Catholicism was the first Christianity, to protest against
Catholicism is to protest against Christianity itself.  It's to create a slanted ver-
sion of it, by using its own property to condemn it.  That property is the New
Testament.  The New Testament is the property of the Catholic Church.

If not for the Catholic Church of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Centuries,  there
would be no New Testament.  Protestants use the property of the Catholic
Church to condemn the Catholic Church, all the while denying it to be the
property of the Catholic Church and equally denying that the Catholic
Church uses it.

Once again, the Bible is recited daily in Catholicism during Mass, Matins,
Prime, Terce, None, Vespers, Compline, and during the Midnight Office,
as well as during the occasionally used Office of the Dead ... and "Typica.".

In addition, monks throughout the ages made handwritten copies of the Bible.
Now, if the Catholic Church wanted to hide the Bible, it would have ordered
monks to not make copies of it.

In fact, Pius XII granted a plenary indulgence at the Hour of Death to any per-
son who spends 15 minutes a day reading the Bible.  Of course, that person
needs to get absolution, if a priest is available.

First came the church headed by Saint Peter.  At the Last Supper the Apostles
became ordained priests.  Then came the baptizing of believers.  Then came the
ordaining of deacons.  Only thereafter came the Gospels of Luke, Matthew, Mark
and John, as well as the epistles of Jude, Peter, James, John, and Paul.  Thus, the
Sacraments supersede the Bible.  Without the sacraments ... or at least desire for
the sacraments, when such things aren't available ... there is no salvation.  Yet,
without the Bible, one doesn't understand the sacraments.

Eventually came a council of bishops which stated which texts constituted the
official Bible.  Thus, you first need a church to say what constitutes the Bible,
in the first place.  It's a sin of idolatry to claim that all revelation is limited to
the Bible, and that Bible is the only thing needed for salvation.  

Well, absolution from sin and good works are needed for salvation; not scream-
ing in public ever so obnoxiously, while holding a Bible in front of TV cameras
Such a thing is the act of worshiping the Bible.

     Q:  Okay then, what actually is the Bible?
ANS:  It's a collection of testimony from those who had salvific encounters
           with the Eternal God.

      Q:  Okay.  Salvific comes from the word, Salvation.  What's Salvation?
ANS:   The salving ... the healing ... of the soul.  Salves heal wounds.

Furthermore,  stained glass windows often depicted Biblical events.  This
means that the Church was NOT hiding the Bible from the people.  It was
doing the opposite.  Church art served the function of a school book for the

If the Catholic Church hid the Bible from mankind, Protestants would never
have had it handed to them by the followers of  Luther and Calvin.  Very sim-
ply, Protestants stole the New Testament from the Catholic Church, and as
thieves always do, they deny that their stolen object belongs to the person
from whom it was stolen.

Now, if  Protestants refuse to believe in "one holy Catholic and apostolic
church," then they need to leave behind all that is Catholic.  This includes
leaving behind the Bible.

The Bible was made for man; not man for the Bible.  Therefore, the Catholic
Church doesn't take the Bible out of context and turn it into a god unto itself.

The church has been praying the Bible for centuries.  Therefore, the Catholic
Church never hid it from the people.  The Catholic Church has been reading
the Bible at every Mass for an equal amount of centuries.  The Bible is a
Roman Catholic possession, as far as concerns the New Testament.   To
state otherwise is to lie.  Case closed.

There is only one Jesus Christ.  Thus, there only exists one Church of
Jesus Christ, founded by the same Christ.  All other churches constitute
either impostor churches or fractures within the only church founded by
Christ.  This brings us to a question

Which would be the true Church of Jesus Christ?   ANS: The church that
was here first, dating as far back as the days of Peter, Paul, and the Roman
emperors who sent many a Christian to the Coliseums of martyrdom.


The Reason Why Hell Exists and Never Ends

    #1 -- Hell is filled with people who never thought they'd go there.
  #2 -- If it were easy to get into Heaven, then it wouldn't be worth getting into Heaven.
#3 -- In order to get into Heaven, you must first be Down-to-Earth.

As a preview ... or a quick summary:  If you were to let the souls in Hell out of Hell, they would immediately start-up doing the evils which got them into Hell, in the first place.  The torments of Hell teaches no damned soul a lesson.  Hell exists, in order to protect you from the damned.  The torments of Hell come from the damned, themselves.  All that they would do is share with you the torments which is them, themselves.  Hell really is "other people."  

Likewise, it's the people and angels in Heaven which makes Heaven, Heaven.  And, the Greatest Irony about Heaven is that, even though it is a place of purity and perfection, every time a new soul enters Heaven, it becomes a better place.  The population of Heaven reflects the features of God.  When enough people reflect the entirety of God's attributes and features, then the number of souls in Heaven will be fulfilled.  The creation of Mankind is determined to be finite, even though each man will exist forever, be it in Heaven or in Hell.

None the less, Hell exists to protect you from the viciousness of the damned.  Let us proceed:

In Saint Ignatius of Loyola's 30 day retreat, the first meditation/consideration is
the existence of Hell.  In the writings of doctor of the Church, Saint Francis de
Sales, at the point of introducing the reader to the devout Catholic life, the first
consideration is Hell.  The only reason for the coming of the Messiah was to
save "many" from the unending Fires of Hell.  In fact, the only new prayer
that the Virgin Mary taught to two of the three present children/seers of the
Fatima apparitions was, "Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins and save us 
from the Fires of Hell . . ."
An Introduction to Something that Never Ends . . . ever.

The Immaculate Virgin appeared in Paris (1830), La Salette (1846), Fatima (1917),
Beauraing (1933), and Akita (1973) because numerous souls were falling into Hell
and she wanted to stop the pattern.    In fact, Teresa of Avila, Carmelite doctor of
the church, said that she saw souls falling into Hell like snowflakes, during the vi-
sion given to her.   The same sight was witnessed by Sr. Lucia, one of the Fatima

The difference between Sr. Lucia and the saint of Avila is that Teresa regarded her
vision as one of the greatest gifts ever given to her, being that seeing Hell gave her
the incentive to intentionally avoid going there.   As far as goes Lucia, she said that
Our Lady's presence, in her being with the children during the vision, was a necessity.
Lucia said that, if Our Lady didn;t tell them previously that they would be going to
Heaven eventually, they would have died of terror.  The most startling point to this
is that the vision lasted one to four seconds.  Yet, the vision made a clear and lasting

From the Fatima children came the reminder that, when you go to Hell, you are there
forever.  Fittingly enough, it was also at Fatima where Mary instructed humanity,
through the three children, to say the following prayer after each decade of the
                                      Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins and save us from the
                                      Fires  of  Hell.     Lead all souls to Heaven, especially 
                                              those who are most in need of your mercy.

Today, the existence of Hell has been doubted and even expressly denied by those who
believe in the existence of God, under the belief that a God of love would never cast any-
one into Hell.   The fact is that God doesn't cast anyone into Hell.   The evil spirits con-
verge upon those who die in the state of spiritual death, taking the lifeless souls back to
the abode of the forever-damned with them.   The fact is that demons come and take to
Hell those souls whom God the Father does not recognize, and God the Father only re-
cognizes in a soul what he recognizes in his own son.   Therefore, if you are not another
Christ, in one degree of intensity or another, you go to Hell.

Those who refuse to acknowledge that a God of Love would ever let anyone go to Hell
are those who overlook the fact that the same God allows individuals on earth to endure
untold living hells of various types, at the hands of the ruthless and vicious.  In fact, this
is the same God who allowed three shepherd children to see Hell.  Now, there was the
complaint over the idea that God would dare have three Portuguese children see Hell in
the 20th Century.  Well, the fact is that children saw Hell throughout the entirety of the
20th Century.

Altar boys saw Hell in the eyes of those predatory priests who should have never been
ordained.   Jewish children saw Hell in the eyes of the Nazis, as did gypsy children and
disabled children.  Children saw Hell through Ida Amin and other dictators, such as a
Joseph Stalin who sought to deceive humanity into thinking that he was a holy man who
cared for others.  Children saw Hell throughout WWII,  the Mao Dictatorship,  the Viet-
nam War, and the Pinochet regime.  In fact, children saw that the Planet Earth became a
branch campus of Hell.

Concerning a God of love, the sufferings of Christ manifest and testify to the existence
of a love that endures until, into, through death.  In fact, those sufferings define Divine
Love.   It's about a God of love who created an off-ramp from the easily accessible road
to Hell.  It's the road that St John Chrysostom said was paved with the skulls of bishops.
Therefore, the Fatima apparitions included showing to mankind, through three shepherd
children, the unending torment from which Jesus has the power to spare you. 

Hell, and Not any type of Diamond, Is Forever

Concerning people who believe in the existence of Hell, it was discussed on national
television if it's possible to pray someone out of the state of eternal damnation.   The
truth is that Hell is the state-of-being for those who are locked in the state of spiritual
death when they go outside of time and space.  Another phrase for Spiritual Death is
the state of mortal sin.  Being that Hell is outside of time and space, it continues for-
ever.  Hell never ends.   It consists in you having zero control over your faculties and
zero control over your being.  It consists in have zero equilibrium.  In as much, there's
nothing proportionate about a soul in Hell.  Those in Hell is in a perpetually mangled

The Reason Why It Exists, Is Because Hell Becomes Wherever They Are

Hell exists because, if you were to let a damned soul loose, that soul would immediate-
ly start cause trouble, turning everything within his/her reach into a Hell.  In Hell, the
damned vividly realize that they were deceived by the Devil, all the while realizing at
point blank range how much they have become the direct object pronoun of the demons'
resentment of mankind.   None the less, the moment that you would let a damned soul
loose, that soul wouldn't change.   It would keep tormenting others.

Satan and the other demons spiritually stick to the damned like a melting tire glazed
with an endless supply of burning gasoline.   In this state, the soul screams,  "Get him 
off of meGet him off of me!"    However, the wailing results in nothing more than
seeing the Devil gleam in an incendiary oppression.  

Hell is where those who have suffocated the lives of others on earth now suffocate for
eternity.   This suffocation is equivalent to being constricted by a large, coiling serpent.
Those who make the lives of others on earth living Hells are the ones who go to Hell.
In fact, those who abuse power on earth end up becoming the powerless and distorted
ones forever, be their abuse something that transpired in civil government, church gov-
ernment, corporate management, the military realm, neighborhood life, home life, rural
life, or life on the streets.   Bullies go to Hell because bullies are hell.  After all, your
destiny is what you are.  If you are compassionate, you spend eternity with the com-
passionate.  If not, then your eternity is away from the compassionate.

Through the apparitions of Lourdes, we learn that a sinner is a person who loves evil.
In the mystery of love, we see that a sinner is a person who loves evil and transforms
into the evil loved.

Hell is also where pointless people go.   Those who are too cowardly to stand up for
someone else always end up in Hell.   This consists in those who remain silent in the
face of widespread legalized sin.   Such a thing is known as the Sin of Accessory, as
well as the Sin of Cooperation.   In as much, accomplices go to Hell, because they've
have proven themselves to be nothings who only look out for their selfish little selves.
In fact, Hell is where a person realizes how much of a nothing he was while on earth.
Each damned soul took his nothingness with him into eternity, and upon entering time-
less eternity, he/she immediately becomes an unprotected target of the demons. 

Fires of Hell, Dark Smoke, and a Suffocating Serpent Darkening Your View

Hell is sometimes described as total darkness, while at other times it is described as
incendiary flames.   So, how can the two metaphysical experiences co-exist simultan-
eously?  ANSThe fire is symbolic of the Wrath of God flaring out from the damned
soul.  In that sea of rage is the coiling serpent of darkness wrapping itself around the
damned, creating the darkness and simultaneously squeezing the life out of the soul
which was already dead.  This places the soul in an eternal state of suffocation.  Plus,
within the sea of fire is rage so infinite that it eternally knocks a soul off of it's equili-
brium.  There is no control of one's faculties in Hell.  It's like being a ship knocked
about, during a storm.

In another allegorical explanation of the spiritual reality of Hell, the fires of it emit a
densely dark and suffocating smoke which is symbolic for unburnt fuel ... of the fuel
provided by God for good works, but was never used by the damned soul for the good
works it could have done.  This darkness translates into a complete lack of understand-
ing.  The result is an inflammatory darkness, where a person is engulfed in a howling
grief.  Where a person is in the midst of zero comprehension of truth of God.

Hell is where the soul's action strives for the negation of its existence, all the while re-
maining locked in the unbreakable reality that God created that soul to exist forever.
Each of the damned is in a changeless state of gracelessness.   There is no sense of
mercy in such a soul, no sense of kindness within it, and no charity to be found in
it.  In fact, only the merciless go to Hell.

The great truth about Hell is that only the mercy of God prevents anyone from falling
into Hell.  Yet, unless a person performs acts of mercy on earth, he will never receive
mercy from God.   Souls in Hell only have the reflex to claw at others, all the while
realizing that they are vice-gripped in the anaconda-like melting tire experience for-
ever.  They were miserly, abusive, conniving, and manipulative.  This translates into
being merciless.

As was previously stated, the smoke of the Fires of Hell is symbolic of the wasted
energy of a person who failed to use that energy to do some type of good, from time
to time.  Where love should be emanating from the soul, a smoldering hole exists, in-
stead.  This was the result of the damned soul's life of indifference on Earth.

The indifference of the person results in the emission of the burning wrath of God's
everlasting rejection, coming out of that soul.  This is what Jesus meant when he re-
peatedly stated,  "There will be wailing and the gnashing of teeth."   As St Louis
of Montfort wrote, God is in  Hell, in God's Justice.   After all, God is everywhere
and involved in all things.   The omnipresence of God is addressed in Psalm 139. 

The Intensity of Hell Equals the Intensity of God's Love Betrayed

Hell is so greatly tormenting, because God's love is so incomparably great.   Those who
betray and sacrilege a love so great can only find the betrayal thereof result in an eternal
privation equally as intense.   This is why the degree of Hell's torment is unfathomable
to the finite human mind while that mind exists in time and space.  Being that the Di-
vine Love is unfathomable, the damnation of those who betrayed that love is equally
as unfathomable.

Oh Happy Fault.  Oh Necessary Sin of Adam
that Merited for Us Such a Wonderful Savior

The intensity of Hell's torment is the reason why Jesus is correctly regarded as a won-
derful savior.   He is titled, savior, because of his ability to save humans from falling
into the fires of Hell.  Very simply, Christ saves people from Hell by saving them from
their sins.  Therefore, to deny the existence of  Hell is to belittle Jesus Christ.  Saving
you from Hell was the mission assigned to him.   This is the reason why he was sent.

Concerning the percentage of humanity to be ultimately saved from falling into Hell,
all that is known in this life is that it's "many."  This means that it's not everyone.

The key feature in the Fall of Adam is that, if God let mankind be abandoned to its
sins, then God would have been committing negligence.  Now, if God would have
committed negligence, in letting mankind be abandoned to its sinfulness, then God
would have negated the purpose for having been a creator.  In sequence, God would
have negated his purpose for being God.

Creating man, without simultaneously preparing to provide for its savior, in light of
humanity's foreseen fall from grace, would have made God a pointless and entirely
worthless creator.   If God were a pointless and worthless creator, then God would
not have had the power to create angels or men in the first place.   This means that
the saving nature of God is what empowered God to create those angels who would
never sin and therefore never need a savior.   It was God's Divine Mercy that empow-
ered God to create a host of angels who would never sin.  This means that even the
sinless received God's mercy.  They simply received it before the fact.

An element of mercy is that of protecting creatures from sinning in the first place.
This is the essence of the Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, where the Virgin
Mary was preserved from sin from the first moment of her creation.  It was the fore-
seen merits of the Christ to come which empowered God the Father to create Mary
in a sinless state.   God is Mary's savior in that God saved Mary from sinning in the
first place.     That ultimate power of God as savior occurred in the sinless Virgin
Mary --- not in the greatest sinners of existence.

The Eternal God has created the human soul in such a way that it's nature is to emit a
collection of spiritual attributes which result in the soul emitting one collective ardor;
one collective glow.  This means that, in the end, everyone will burn in one fashion or
another.   It's simple.  You will either burn with the Fires of Hell or you will burn with
the Fire of Divine Love.  It's unavoidable.  Take your pick.  Your choice will be with
you forever.


The Anti-Trinity: A Ferocious Liar & Demon with Dissociative Personality Disorder and the Seething Compulsion to Annihilate All of Mankind

Behind Door #1, Door #2, & Door #3 are three distinct personality traits of evil.  Yet, they're dreadfully similar.
Their Raison d'Etre, aka their Reason for Being . . . evil

The sole goal of the entire demonic world, as it applies to humanity, is to trick humans into destroying themselves.  The sole motivation of this desire was & is envy.  Envy kills.  But, the demonic world cannot kill off humanity on its own power.  The demons need humans to do it for them.  The servants of demons, therefore, are the ultimate Useful Idiots.   It's that simplex.

Summary --- Three Alter Egos in one Spiritual Being who wanted to be God

Satan, Lucifer, and Beelzebub are different names for the same one person.  That person is known as the Evil One.  In fact, that person is more popularly known as the Devil.  Now, he/it was classically given the title, the Great Red Dragon.  However, as far as goes the classical  title, Ancient Serpent, it symbolizes the entire demonic world, where each demon is one vertebrae of the spiritual serpent.

The first three names mentioned above define a specific personality trait in this Evil One.  He was created angel and was endowed with exceptional gifts.  However, his giftedness became his downfall.  He thought so highly of himself that he wanted to be worshipped as the central focal point of everyone's existence.  He was made to be the Carrier of Light, but he wanted to be God instead.  He wanted to be as glorious as God, with him replacing God.  So, in punishment, the Trinity fragmented the Evil One's mind into three personality traits.  The three traits are the opposite of each major attribute of each person of the Holy Trinity.  

This fragmentation of mind constantly reminds the first amongst the rebellious angels that he is only a finite being, incapable of unifying within himself one divine being, in three distinct persons --- or even in three distinct personality traits.  This punishment would be close to Dissociative Personality Disorder.   This constantly shows the rebel angel that the Holy Trinity has no equal.

Each of the three personality traits of the Evil One is the antithesis of the one predominant attribute of each one of the three persons of the Trinity.  It goes as follows:

First  --- Being the Calculating Destroyer by first being a Pathological Liar

God the Father's attribute is Generosity guided on the rails of Harmony & Proportionality.  His motive has always been to honor an already existent Truth.  Predictably enough, the already-existent Truth is the second person of the Trinity.  God the Father simply wanted to share this living truth ... namely the Son of God ... with others.  After all, he did not want to selfishly keep the Son of God to himself.  So, he created "the others," endowing them with reason and free will.   This translates into God the Father being Creator.

Whereas God the Father is predominately the Creator, the Satan personality trait of the Evil One is the Destroyer; even the Executioner.  After all, Satan does mean accuser & prosecutor.  

All in all, Satan is the Inversion of God the Father.  This makes the Satan personality trait the first person of the Anti-Trinity.  Whenever God creates someone or something, the Evil One responds by wanting to destroy --- or at the very least --- to distort that which God created.  The desire to distort translates into Satan being a Pathological Liar.  After all, a lie is a distortion of the truth.  

Incidentally, the two classical synonyms of "Destroyer" are Abaddon (Hebrew) & Apollyon (Greek).

Second --- The constantly morphing ambusher, dressed in alternating camouflage

Whereas God the Son is the Way & the Truth, the Lucifer personality trait is the trait of a theatrical showman who manifests himself differently, during each exorcism where he does make an appearance.  He camouflages himself in different ways, for each performance.  He no longer radiates the light of Wisdom into anyone.  He only seeks to cast dark mindedness throughout  mankind, to the point of making mankind the most deadly enemy of mankind.  He sits in preparation, ready to ambush the minds & senses of humans, causing doubt or paranoia in them, as well as lust, arrogance, and even violent disregard for other humans. 

As the Second Personality of the Anti-Trinity, Lucifer seeks to sow alienation & animosity between the members of humanity.   And of course any history student can see that the history of mankind is the history of war after war after war after war, along with the traditional raping, pillaging, plundering, and enslaving.   Yet, this is always preceded by . . . DECEIVING OTHERS.  

More Specifically, the history of mankind is [1] Invade & Attack.  [2] Pillage, Rape, and Plunder.  [3] Enslave the Survivors.  [4] Take Inventory of the Property of the Dead.  [5]  Repeat Cycle, over & over again & again.   This means that Lucifer has been quite successful at his many endeavors upon the human mind.

In brevity, the history of mankind is Kill, Rape, Pillage, Plunder, and Enslave.  Accompanying these acts is always - - - The telling of lies, to rationalize & justify the wholescale crimes.  Today, this is known as Spreading Propaganda.  In as much, there is an obvious answer to the question, "Are there more people Heaven or in Hell?"  Simply study the history of mankind and do the math.

Third --- A bully with the urge to devour others until they reach total non-existence.

Finally, whereas God the Holy Spirit is predominantly Kindness itself, the Beelzebub personality trait is that of Cruelty.   Now, the Cruelty sprung forth from Envy.  This cruelty defines the Evil One as the Father of Bullies, when acting in the mindset of Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies.  And of course, wherever there is death on Earth, there are flies.  If Beelzebub had his way, he would decompose your soul into full obliteration ... just like flies on the cadavers of wild animals in the woods. 

Being that he is the inversion of the Holy Spirit, Beelzebub is the third personality trait of the fractured Anti-Trinity.  Very simply, the Lord of the Flies is a marauder who seeks to Lord-it over everybody.  He is the ultimate Control Freak.

The Anti-Trinity is basically a highly gifted angel who became a fallen one.  He is now void of sanctifying grace and is weighted with the burden of dissociative personality disorder, as well as a vengeful hatred toward mankind simply for existing.  

The Evil One is the ultimate racist who hates the Human Race.  Yet, he is still a very successful danger to an easily deceived humanity.  He carries the power to twist, to distort, to deceive, and to manipulate violent outcomes.   Now, no demon has the power to make you no longer exist.  Your soul & spirit don't get annihilated into non-existence.  But, demons can get you to give them the power to have you exist in a mangled & disproportionate way.
                                                  End of the Introductory Summary.

If you ever read St. Augustine, you'll know why any ocean is symbolic of the Holy Trinity.
Now, in more detail.
We proceed to the Unmoved Mover ... the Boundless Catalyst ... the Undivided God

The Uncreated & Eternal Trinity is three distinct persons in one essence.  This essence has full cognizance ... aka awareness & intelligence.   It does not exist as a mindless cosmic force that doesn't even know that it exists.  

This living essence neither has a beginning nor an end.  Simultaneously, this divine essence is transcendent & imminent.  That is to say, this essence is untouched by any material substance and it's not confined by space.  It's simultaneously timeless, as well.  Yet, this same essence is in all things in that it is INVOLVED in all things.

The Distorter

The Anti-Trinity, on the other hand, is the Evil One in three personality traits.  This is a being who was created with a spirit & intelligence, as well as free will.  This is a finite being created for the purpose of participating in God's living fountain from which springs forth all life-giving things.    

However, this is a finite spirit who was and is crippled by envy.  He envied the idea of the same God creating a type of being which is simultaneously material and spiritual.  This is a being whose framework and faculties are one echelon lower than that of the angels.  

The Evil One became outraged over the idea that God would become a member of this inferior race, called mankind, and the Evil One refused to pay homage to even the idea of God-made-man.  

The Evil One, therefore, is the Envious One.  And of course, through the envy of the Devil, death came into the world (Book of Wisdom, Ch 2, v 24) ... into the world of mankind.   Envy translates into Brutality.  The intellectual form of Brutality is Cruelty.

God uniting with all of creation by becoming a member of that creation

God becoming Man is known as the Hypostatic Union.  This refers to the nature of mankind being united with the divinity of He Who Is . . . of he who has always been.  The person who was to become God and Man simultaneously is known as the Messiah ... the Anointed One.  This refers to the Divinity of the Eternal God anointing human nature in one person, by means of God the Son becoming a member of the human race.   

God becoming Man occurred in the New Ark of the Covenant, namely in Miriam of Nazareth.  This occurred during the reign of Caesar Augustus.  Concerning her role as the designated & consecrated Ark of the New Covenant, concerning her bodily integrity, the following was God's will for her:

"This gate must remain closed.  It must not be opened, and no one may come through it.  Now, being that the Lord, the God of Israel, came through it, it must remain closed." (Ezek 44:2)  In as much, Jesus had cousins and "fellow countrymen" who were referred to as "brethren," aka "kinsfolk."  The New Testament, which was handed down to the successive generation of Christianity in the Greek language, makes mention of ADELPHOI.  This is a Greek term which meant more than merely a DNA sibling.  And it meant more than cousin.  

After all, a "City of Brotherly Love" wasn't a city where everyone was a sibling or cousin.  "Brother" was and still is a state of being, as in "Band of Brothers," "Soul Brothers,"  "Brother from a different Mother," "Fraternity Brothers," "Lodge Brothers," and "Brothers in Christ."  In Italian America, such persons are called "peisani'  which means villagers.  In American, such persons were called "fellow countrymen" and even "compatriots."

Now, Jesus had no children, and his mother only had one child.  Yet, there have been hundreds of millions throughout history who recognized the phrase, "Brothers & Sisters in Jesus Christ."  Anyone who believes in the true Christ today is a brother or sister of Christ, despite that person's DNA haplogroup . . . despite that person's ancestry.

Jesus did NOT have biological brothers and sisters.  Proof #1 consists in Jesus on the Cross telling non-relative John (son of Zebedee) that he was to now regard Mary as his mother.  During the same moment, Christ told Mary that John was now her son.  Well, in Jewish law, caring for a widowed mother was the responsibility of the eldest surviving son.  Thus, if the eldest son died, then the second eldest became the designated caretaker of his mom.  Yet, Jesus did NOT tell Simon or Jude to take care of Mary.  Thus, neither Simon nor Jude were DNA brothers of Jesus.  They were cousins.  All in all, Jesus bestowed the assignment of caretaker to non-relative John the Apostle; to John the Evangelist. 

In addition, some people throughout history conjectured that Saint Joseph had children to another woman, before he met Mary.  However, this is not Catholic Tradition.  And remember, Catholic Tradition includes the handing-down of historical fact and family archives.  After all, to be Catholic is to be heavily engulfed in history . . . in the midst of mankind.  

Moreover, during the flight from Herod's wrath, Joseph and Mary took flight into Egypt without the help of any "child of Joseph."  None the less, once a Jewish woman took a vow of virginity, if she were to make this vow known to her betrothed, then her betrothed man was bound to honor that vow.   This IS a directive expressly mentioned in the LAW OF MOSES.

In as much, St. Luke's mention of Mary being a virgin was the mention of a Jewish woman in an autonomous Jewish religious order, where each vowed virgin lived her own life, and not in any monastic community.  The third orders of the Catholic Church were and still are that way.  

Example: St Catherine of Siena was a "Third Order Dominican," and she lived at home as a vowed virgin . . . and she became very famous.  She became so famous that a pope assigned her to be one of his advisers.   

Early Church Fathers saw Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant

Mary was reserved for the most sacred of destinies.  She was God's ciborium; the Temple of the Son of God; the Ark of the New & Everlasting Covenant.  Plus, she made a vow of virginity, pursuant to the Law of Moses.  

People who refuse to believe this are very weak-willed, lust-burning, and vile-minded individuals stuck on themselves.  Being that they are void of virtue and/or discipline and/or a sense of decency, they cannot believe that anyone would be any different than them.  In fact, certain women refuse to acknowledge the unprecedented gifts & sanctity of the Virgin Mary out of seething envy --- just like the very unclean Lord of the Flies.

That which these people despise the most is when Catholic Church Teaching admits that Mary is the one who crushed the head of the serpent . . . by the grace of God the Father.  They go into a spiritual outrage over that concept.  They simply despise Mary and want her out of the way.

These people deny Mary's virginity.  Yet, there were numerous saints in the 2,000 year history of the Catholic Church who vowed celibacy.  There are canonized saints who spent a lifetime as a virgin, resulting in apparent miraculous intervention from them, after they entered into the Great Beyond.  There literally is a list.  Example:  St Clair of Assisi, St Teresa d'Avila, St Therese of Lisieux, St Gertrude the Great, St Mathilde, St Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Catherine Laboure, St Frances Cabrini, . . . etc, etc, etc, etc.   Thus, virginity has repeatedly been people despising the idea that Mary was a perpetual virgin is an element of White Trash Religion.  

It's simply that the "Born-Again," "TV Evangelist," "I'm Saved," "Praise the Lord" mindset is that it's impossible to be chaste.  So, the Lord "lets you slide," they claim, despite St Paul empathically stating that people who habitually engage in sin will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.  In fact, the prime teaching of the religion which used to call itself "the Born-Again Christian" religion . . . and which changes its name as often as does Lucifer . . . is this:  

They basically teach that Jesus came and suffered tremendously so that they can keep on living a life of sin.  They have used the phrase, "The sins of your future are forgiven."  They do not believe that Jesus saves anyone from his sins.  Rather, they believe that Christ allows you to keep on sinning, as if belief in him is a "Get out of Hell Free" card.  They partly carry the concept of the Ranters (which see.)  Rasputin was a Ranter.  

The True Heaven, as opposed to the Fairy Tale thereof

It is written about Heaven, "Nothing unclean will ever enter it." (Rev. 21:27)  Likewise, the King of Heaven will not enter into anything unclean, upon his own volition and of his own doing.  The Virgin Mary had to be immaculate, in order for the Son of God to become man in her.  If she had the taint of sin in her, God the Son would have been too repelled to enter into her and he would have refused to be developed in her.  

Without a woman created immaculate by God the Father, there would have been no Messiah.  And remember, the Precious Blood of Jesus came from the blood of Mary.  Thus, Jesus needed to have ... and he did receive from his Father's power ... a completely pure mother.  

She was never divine.  No Catholic ever believed that she created the Heavens & the Earth.  Only an illiterate Protestant would accuse Catholics of such idolatry.  Only a pervert would think of worshipping Mary, in the first place.   She was simply the way that the creation of mankind should have been, all along . . . namely, sinless ... more specifically, humbly sinless.

The Double Hypocrisy of it all

Hypocrisy Numero Uno:  Martin Luther .... the 16th Century German ... believed that Mary was a perpetual virgin.  So, why do the followers of Protestantism ignore a teaching of the Founder of Protestantism? 

Hypocrisy Numero Due:  Protestants are willing to believe that Christ walked on water.  They are willing to believe that he brought the dead back to life, instantly cured lepers, turned water into wine, and eventually turned himself into crystalline light during his transfiguration.  But, they refuse to believe that his mother was a consecrated Jewish woman, reserved for God only.  

In fact, Protestants are willing to believe that the miraculous Jesus Christ came into existence without a human father.  They are equally willing to believe that John the Baptist leapt for joy in his mother's womb, upon the greeting of Mary, thereby being rendered in the state of grace.  But they refuse to believe something as simple as Mary being created in the state of grace, so that she could be reserved for the coming of the Messiah --- so that she could be the Ark of the New & Everlasting Covenant.

Once again, in order to have been reserved FOR the coming of the Messiah, the Virgin Mary had to first be preserved FROM sin.  It was God's grace to her.  No Catholic believes that she is God.  No Catholic worships her.  

Protestants say that Catholics worship Mary, as a ploy to get people to refrain from adhering to the worldwide Catholic Church ... and to instead join their Television Network Protestant Sect.  This endless defamation is done, so that money from Catholic people's pockets will eventually go into the Televangelist bank accounts, instead of going into the Catholic Church collection baskets.  It's an advertising campaign.  Demonize the competition and make money in the process.

Welcome to Lying for Dollars,                                                                                                          hosted by Reverend Jim Bob Confederate Boy of the Church of the Extremely Saved

Protestant preachers see the heavily populated & historic Catholic Church as their business competition . . . in competition for tax-free collection basket money and the such.  So, they lie about their competition.  It's business.  Strictly business.  It's Lying for Dollars.  

Now think:  Southerners seceded from the Union (of the United States.)  That mindset came from their ancestors seceding from the Union of the Catholic Church.  However, the Protestant Reformation was actually the Protestant Confiscation, where a handful of northern kings literally stole all of the Catholic Churches, convents, and monasteries in their nations, ordering the Catholic churches to now be called Lutheran Churches (in Scandinavia's case) and "the Church of England," in Henry VIII's case.  

Catholic priests were arrested left & right.  Even the Catholic laity suffered martyrdom.  Protestantism was forced upon the northern countries west of Russia.  There was no popular Protestant movement of the people, concerning Martin Luther and similar other "reformers."   The popularity aspect didn't occur until ... until the rise of the Huguenots in small sectors of France ... which were an offshoot of John Calvin.  

Even at that, Cardinal Richelieu protected the Huguenots . . . for political & military purposes.  If not for Richelieu, the Huguenots would not have had a chapter in French history, in the first place.  However, it certainly was a popular movement, unlike Luther's movement which was founded upon the mass theft of Catholic Church property in Saxony, Brandenburg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland . . . and Henry VIII's mass theft of Catholic Church property in a land once called Our Lady's Dowry, also known as England.  

BTW, it took Henry VIII four years to complete his "dissolution of monasteries."  He did NOT have a popular movement.  His "Church of England" was forced upon the English.  

The Purpose for the Immaculate Conception

Mary was conceived without sin, for the salvation of mankind.  She is the one who crushed the head of the demonic world ... done by the grace of God only.  Thus, Mary has been and always will be integral in the plan of salvation, as well as always will be the Intercession of the Saints in Heaven.  This includes Elijah and the miraculous Elias.  It can also include you, if you remain faithful.  Also integral in the plan of salvation has been & will be:

[1] the writings of the Apostle Paul & the other New Testament Epistles,  [2] the Four Gospels,  [3] the Seven Sacraments which includes the Priesthood of Christ & the ordination of deacons,  [4] the Seat of Saint Peter, along with the Teaching Authority of the Church which exists in its faithful bishops ... which resulted in the Catechism ... which actually originated from the 1st Century's Didache (which see.)   

Note: Faithful bishop is defined as one who acknowledges that, as soon as a Successor of Peter ratifies as infallible a doctrinal teaching, it cannot be reversed, discarded, or contradicted.  No pope can undo the infallible ratification of any previous pope.  This is important to note, because there have been many infallible doctrines that came out of Church Ecumenical Councils.  The attending bishops at those councils defined such infallible doctrines, and then the pope-at-the-time ratified each doctrine as infallible.  

The Church is only infallible in matters of Faith & Morals.  NOT physics ... or military science ... or in history ... or in astronomy ... or in engineering ... or in agricultural science ... or molecular chemistry, etc, etc, etc.  

As far as goes an individual pope making an infallible statement on his own, without the presence of an ecumenical council, it happened only twice in history: Once in 1854, concerning the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception which declared Mary sinless from the start ... and once in 1950, concerning the Bodily Assumption of Mary into Heaven.  

There were times in church history where up to 22 infallible statements were promulgated in one day ... always through & only through the Church's Ecumenical Councils.  And of course, a number of councils had no infallible statements at all.  This includes Vatican II ... the SECOND Vatican Council.  

Also, in order for a teaching to be infallible, it cannot contradict the Bible.  The teaching doesn't need to be stated anywhere in the Bible.  But, it cannot contradict anything that is stated in the Bible.  The apostles came before the officially defined Bible came into existence.  Thus, tradition preceded the Bible.  Tradition came first.  In fact, the Bible is merely a part of Tradition, and the New Testament was written by a few of the original apostles and a few of their closest followers, namely Mark, Luke, and St. Paul. 

The Catholic Church is the sole composer, compiler, & rightful owner of the NEW Testament.  Without the Catholic Church, there would have been no New Testament.  This resulted in the greatest hypocrisy of the Anti-Catholic, Bible-Only People in the Protestant world.  If the Catholic Church is as evil as you Extremist Protestants claim it is, then you must toss all of your Bibles into the trash ... and burn-away that remnant of the Catholic Church.   However, without the Catholic Church's property, there would have been no Protestantism, in the first place.

Protestantism is the Religion Founded Upon Grand Larceny.  In as much, there was NO Protestant Reformation.  It was the PROTESTANT CONFISCATION of Catholic Church property, upon the command of a very small number of Northern European kings of the 16th Century.  It was literally likened to a bird going into another bird's nest and knocking that bird out of his own nest.

The Other Salvation Checkpoints

Also integral for the salvation of every human who consents into entering the aisleway of salvation is:

[6] voluntary penitential supplications, as well as penitential cleansing, as is done through fasting & other "mortifications,"  [7] the Catholic Church's long history of charity organizations, [8] sacramentals which includes the Rite of Exorcism, [9] the Book of Psalms, the Book of Proverbs, & the Book of Sirach used in the Liturgy of the Hours, [10] retreats, meditation, and contemplation, [11] religious orders such as the Carmelites, Benedicts, Augustinians, Franciscans, and Dominicans, [12] the Examination of Conscience.  In as much, in the Economy of Salvation, miracles are a bonus which actually provide extracurricular teaching lessons.

In review, the Virgin Mary was conceived by God in the immaculate state, due to the foreseen merits of Christ.  She is a perpetual virgin who vowed her virginity pursuant to the Code of Moses.  Her son, Jesus, is the Infinite & Divine Son of the Living God.  Thus, Mary is the mother of God.  

If you have trouble with this thought, then regard Mary as [1] the Mother of God-made-man, and/or [2] the Mother of God Incarnate, aka "Word Incarnate," and/or [3] the Mother of God-Among-Us, aka the Mother of Emanuel.   

You can even call her [4] Mother of the Hypostatic Union.  In fact, it was through the Archangel Gabriel that God the Father regarded her as "the highly favored daughter of the Most High."  So, you can call her that title.  Plus, as a result of the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel, Mary became "the Mystic Spouse of the Holy Spirit."  That's another title of Mary.  

Incidentally, the concept of Jesus being the Word of God was to convey the idea of Jesus being the WISDOM of God ... "the Logos" describes "the Utterance of God," aka "the Declaration made by God," or even the "Testimony of God."   Something similar thereof.

Moreover, the Early Church Fathers regarded Mary as the Ark of the Covenant ... and the New Eve.  Now, the name, Eve, is from the Jewish language's, Haya, meaning to live.  Thus, Eve was called the Mother of all the Living.  For the past 2,000 years, there has been a new Mother of all the Living.  The problem is that numerous members of humanity have not yet gotten the message --- due to the oppression of certain governments.

Honor your mother.  Christ does.
Also concerning those in the Protestant world who abhor the phrase, "Mother of God," as if Mary created God, know this:  No human mother ever created her child.  Yet, each woman who brought forth the life that was actually created by God in her is still the mother of each of her children.  Therefore, Mary is the mother of Jesus who happens to be God, even though Mary did not create Jesus.  Thus, no Catholic believes that Mary created God.  God created Mary.  In fact, God creates each child's soul inside each mother, individually ... every single time ... throughout the history mankind.  Thus, God is still the Active Creator.   

It was God who made that which ended up existing inside the Virgin Mary's body, attached the Virgin Mary's bloodstream.  In fact, it was God ... through Gabriel ... who told Mary to name him Jesus.  Mary didn't even create her own son's name.  God did it for her.  

All in all, there is a huge difference between being "a mother of someone" and being the "creator of someone."  Keep in mind that the Blood of Christ came from the blood of Mary.  Such a thing makes him very human and therefore very approachable.  In the Virgin Mary, the Infinite integrated itself with Time.  This makes Mary a very epic & cosmic crossroad ... intersection ... venue.  This makes her far more cosmic than any hippie and any rock star of the 1960s & 1970s.

Honor Your Mother

Also keep in mind the law to "Honor your mother and father."  Christ honored his mother in the way in which a divine king can do so.  He did NOT cast her aside and ignored her in disrespect.  She is definitely his queen and this is illustrated all throughout Heaven.  She is definitely God the Father's most highly favored of all of the creations of God, and this too is illustrated throughout all of Heaven.  

She is also the Spouse of the Timeless & Infinite Holy Spirit who intervened for the sake of mankind in the fullness of time.  He he did so, by making Mary the center of his work.  After all, making God man, in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, was the Holy Spirit's central work.  Without Mary being immaculate, the Holy Spirit could not have done it.  Without God the Father, Mary could not have been conceived in the immaculate state.  Salvation was a team effort, on the part of the Holy Trinity.

Once again, it was God the Father who made Mary immaculate, in the first place.  So, there is NO idolatry going on amongst people devoted to Mary.  Rather, there is the fulfillment of Christ's Last Supper Command to "love one another as I have loved you."  Thus, Catholics do not worship Mary in any capacity at all, whatsoever, in the least.  Catholics love her.  Catholics ask her to "pray for us sinners."  Nowhere in the Hail Mary is there any mention of worshipping Mary as the Lord.  In fact, it states that the Lord is with Mary.  This proves that Catholics believe that someone other than Mary is Lord.  

For those unaware in this era when religion was laid waster, the prayer starts as follows:  Hail Mary, full of grace, the LORD is with you.  Thus, Catholics NEVER claim that Mary is Lord.  Rather, they claim that the LORD is with Mary ... and is therefore the cause of Mary's greatness ... meaning that Mary is the mirror who reflects God.

Moreover, it was God the Father who composed the first part of the Hail Mary, and it was the Holy Spirit who inspired St. Elizabeth to call out the second part of the same Hail Mary.  See the opening chapters of the Gospel of Luke. 

The words of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary, during the Annunciation, were the words of God the Father.  After all, angels are the messengers of God.  If you hate the Hail Mary, then you hate God the Father who composed its opening lines.  And if you claim to be a saved Christian who hates the Hail Mary, then you are a soon-to-be-damned liar.    God the Father does not bring into his kingdom those who hate him.

Mary is the ultimate Glory of God's grace-giving action.  No grace ever given to Mary was ever wasted.  Thus, Protestants blaspheme God by holding Mary in disrespectful disdain, in their thinking very little of her.  Such persons think very little of grace.  

Christ does NOT think very little of his own mom, and he does not appreciate it when Protestants do.  But, of course, Christ never founded any Protestant church.  He only founded one Church 2,000 years ago, and it was perpetuated through the centuries via Apostolic Succession.  Any church established after that time is an imposter church ... a fraud ... a Synagogue of Satan.

The Three Personality Traits of the Evil One

Each of the three personalities of the Evil One is contrary to the predominate attribute of each person of the Holy Trinity.  The three personalities existing in the first rebellious angel are named [1] Satan, [2] Lucifer,  and [3] Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies.  Three names.  Three personality traits.    One person.  Thus, this involves the three major definitions that describe the same one evil person who set himself in direct defiance against the THREE infinite persons of the Holy Trinity.

And remember, this evil person was created angel, comprising all spirit and no body.  Spirits and angels are the same thing.  It's only a matter of differentiating fallen angels from holy angels.  Such a thing is known as Discernment.  Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit.  A college degree will not get for you discernment.  However, being validly baptized will do so.  In fact, baptism results in you receiving Infused Knowledge.  Such a thing is an understanding of God and how beings in the universe go about their ways.

[1] The first person of the Holy Trinity is God the Father, predominately endowed with the power to CREATE, resulting from his compulsion toward generosity.  Thus, he is the Creator.  

The first personality trait of the Evil One is Satan, aka the prosecutor ... the condemner ... the accuser.   The predominate personality trait of this personage is the power to destroy ... or to perform the role of Executioner.  Thus, whereas God the Father is the Creator, Satan is the Destroyer.  Satan is the Inversion of God the Father.

[2] The second person of the Holy Trinity is God the Son,  He is the Great Amen who consents in all that the Eternal Father wills.  His predominate attribute is WISDOM.  He is the teller of truth and the bringer of inspiration.  He is literally ... and NOT figuratively ... mankind's lifeline.  

The second personality trait of the Evil One is named LUCIFER, the one created to be the carrier of light.  Such light helps others to see truth clearly.  Yet, due to Lucifer's rebellion, his predominate personality trait is that of a LIAR, via theatrics.  He is the bringer of discord, and he casts shadows of dark mindedness throughout humanity.  Instead of giving people impulses to do good, he gives temptations for people to sin.    He is the inversion of God the Son.  In as much, Satan is the Father of all Lies, and Lucifer is the Son of all Lies, thereby fulfilling Satan's will, all the while masquerading as an angel of light.  

Just because you do NOT believe that Jesus is mankind's lifeline, it doesn't make it suddenly happen that he's not divine.  After all, if a guy on the other side of Planet Earth doesn't believe that you exist, it doesn't make you stop existing.  Your mind does NOT make reality.  Reality came into existence without you.  It's a matter of you magnetizing yourself to reality.  This is actually known as the Gift of Infused Knowledge.

[3] The third person of the Holy Trinity is the Holy Spirit, and his predominant attribute is KINDNESS.

The third personality trait of the Evil One is called BEELZEBUB, the Lord of the Flies.  And of course, flies are the ones who pay visits to beings, after death has been achieved in them.  BEELZEBUB's predominant personality trait is CRUELTY, and he is the inversion of the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, the Evil One is predominantly the Cruel & Deceptive Destroyer.  In his cruelty, he distorts people.  In his deceptiveness, he gets people to distort and destroy themselves.  He is the destroying angel who sits on a throne of lies and whose motivation comes from seething cruelty.  In sequence, his cruelty came from his sense of envy towards God-made-man.  The temptations he casts upon you are designed to get you to destroy yourself and everyone else around you.  He can't do it himself.  He needs your help to do it ... to destroy you.  The Evil One simply tricks people into destroying themselves.